okay, so if today was any indication of what the rest of 2009 is like I am so geeked out! I am going to have the best year EVER! I just found out I got an award (me, yes me, the nerd who checks her own profile page to see if anyone is really reading what the voices in my head are telling me to write) I have to say to
Stephanie Espoat My Star and wish that if I could drive to your house and give you a hug I would. I love seeing my name in print on someone else's blog. YOU ROCK! and I am so glad you love the song "Dance" cause I do (just typing it's title made me start singing it all over again)I am a music nut and love it all from my kids corny Disney movie songs to the ones that make me cry and then back around to the corny songs that have no meaning what so ever but feel so good to belt out loud and free. You truly made my night!!!
now for the rules...
It's called the Lemonade Award, but I will be like Stephanie and call it a Lemon Drop Martini Award as Janna (and Stephanie) did!!!!!!! It makes it sound well....Yummy! ahahaha...who doesn't love Lemon Drop Martini's?! Lately I love everything or anything with alcohol....BWAAAAHAHAHAHA
Now, for the rules:
First, you should give link love to the person who gave you the award. I did that earlier but in case you missed it I will tell you again GO VISIT STEPHANIE
Secondly, nominate ten of your favorite bloggers to receive the Lemonade Award! (Need to do that next)
SO my nominees are (and this would include Stephanie and Amber at KISS MY CHEEK but they already got the award but I love these blogs all the same:
I just think CHRIS BLISS is the cutest blog ever. I love her spunky attitude (and love of illustrating her life in a pic or two) so she is my first pic. I am currently working on one of her do it yourself projects (a picture frame that you refurnish and find some cute wrapping paper to use where the picture goes...I will link back to her post and put up a pic when I am done, I promise)
Number two goes to Seth and Amber at THE MOTHER LETTER PROJECT now that Seth has spilled the beans to Amber,I can call them by name instead of Danny (where did that come from anyway?) You just have to go read the blog to get the WHOLE story. But basically it is a Christmas present project where a husband got mothers to write letters about being a mother that he then assembled as a book and gave to his wife and his babies mother... bring the kleenex ladies!!!
Number three goes to Laura at THE BULLINGTON FAMILY cause I just love the support and attention she has and will continue to show me. We come from the same dinky podunk town and who doesnt love to go home every once in awhile (as long as you can escape when you need to) this girl is golden.
Up next is Jennifer at THE HOUSE OF JONES cause she is such an inspiration to me. Her faith and love of her family make me want to be a better me (and her mom was one heck of a Sunday School teacher that is one of the most positive impactful people I have ever had the honor of having in my life)
This next chick is amazing. Go check out my number five Jessica at SIMPLY A FARMER'S WIFE she is not just simply anything except wonderful. Go see Parker's story and you will find out why this CHICK ROCKS!!
Six is something else you gotta see to believe go check out WHO SAYS 8 IS ENOUGH you gotta read it to believe it...and you will love them too (if you have a pulse that is)
Seven goes to EVERYDAY MOM OF ONE because she is just precious. She is always posting cute pics of that baby boy any momma would want to kiss those cheeks and her give aways are fun too!!! Go give her some love, she is so great to give everyone else love.
Great Great number eight goes to THE SECRET IS IN THE SAUCE because where would we all find each other with out these saucy ladies? I am sure they get tons of awards but I am gonna give em one more because I just love em.
Number nine is next and I one thousand percent approve this message. This lady cracks me up daily with her posts about nipple cream which she smeared on her sugery recovering mothers lips (unknowingly) to her blog design I JUST HAD TO HAVE (hope she is not mad) she is Mcdreamy (in a girl envy kind of way of course) she is the popular cheerleader blogger every blogging dork wants to be. Go visit THE MCMOMMY CHRONICLES RIGHT NOW!!!
Last but not least is Jennisa at ONCE UPON A BLOG she endured my way-too many emails and designed my amazingly fabulous blog you are looking at right now. Love this lady and her talent and if you are in the market for a new blog check her out!!!
Thank you to everyone for even coming to my blog taking the time to read my thoughts. You have picked up my spirits and made me put down the bottle (at least for a little while anyway) Love all your blogs and get to work giving out those awards.....
ahh, thanks! :) I'm glad you like it! :)
thanks a ton girl :) I love the new look of the blog!!!
Wishing you a wonderful 2009!!
Thanks for the award! You are too kind. Check out my post from 1/4 to see my shout out to you and my award recipients. Have a great week!
Girl THANKS! I feeel so special!
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