Thursday, January 29, 2009

a fun giveaway, snow days, and Tuesday needs your prayers

So I could not get the link to work for some reason so I am gonna try this again. I went today and bought a few things for my partner in the Favorite Things Swap. I found the cute idea over at IT MIGHT BE CRAZY BUT WE CALL IT LIFE

I had to get out of the house after being snowed in for 3 1/2 days. I did get some funny videos of Emory being Emory so I will post that soon. I need to get back in the swing of blogging. I swear, one mental breakdown just really wipes you out.:)

Gotta go, my episode of General Hospital is on. I DVR all my shows so I can fast forward through the commercials or scenes with Sonny and Kate in them (BLAGHHH) i am back.
i will admit i have been lazy in my blog reading and it is taking me awhile to catch up on all i have not read. but this one stopped me in mid-thought.i decided to get up to date on a blog i follow Go Blog Yourself. every tuesday i stop and pray for tuesday, an adorable little girl with an extremely loving mommy named Jessica who shares Tuesday with us through her grace and faith and loving blog. I will tell it in her Jessica's own words from her blog.

My deepest fears were confirmed. Tomorrow we take our precious daughter home. Her cancer doubled in size in less than a week proving once and for all that it is horribly aggressive and no longer chemo sensitive. We have no idea how to do this but we have no doubt we will be cared for every step of the way. This is all I have in me. Please pray for peace for our children, our parents and our siblings. Tuesday, full of grace, you are our so very loved.

i dont know just how to process what that is supposed to mean. So i won't try. I will just stop and pray again, on Thursday...for tuesday.


Nola said...

we will all pray for Tuesday

Rachel said...

Tuesday has my Friday prayers, too.

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