I awoke with the joys of having to do...

i wanna know where you get the cute cherub helpers like in the picture though (i called target and they are all out), because at my house all i got is a couple of screaming kids that think mounds of clothes are the equivilant of freshly raked leaves. and then my two year old thinks he is helping mommy by putting the dirty clotes in the clean clothes pile, so imagine my pleasure at pulling out a pair of my 6 year olds panties and seeing the streak right down the middle (those immediately go in the trash, I am horribly wasteful like that) ewwww. gross.
my husband is filling the house with smells from...

tommorrow it is back to this

ahhhh.aint life grand :)
My friend was beer and clam juice. Oh wow. And after working hard on the soccer field, it just tastes that much better!! lol
And now I'm hungry for ribs. Thanks for that. Seeing as how i get to have macaroni casserole.
Have a great day!
The ribs look yummy!
Ummm... did you save me some ribs?!
And yummo that wine looks good too. If you figure out where we can get a couple of those laundry-do'ers just pass that info my way okay!? You have my email address ;)
I'm so envious that your husband can cook a great looking rack of ribs!!! My husband can't even boil water. He once asked me why the PB&J smelled like it was burning...he had put it in the toaster oven. I'm not sure why!
I got a laugh out of your laundry comment! I can soooo relate!
I found your blog through Amber...so glad I stopped by!
Wow them ribs look yummy...
I have an award for you here: http://mommayoungs-at-home.blogspot.com/2009/01/sisterhood-award.html
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