Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not me Monday...posted on Tuesday

Today I did NOT get to sleep in. That in iteself is monumental and worth it's own post. We knew yesterday that it was going to ice and snow and that school was closed early in the night. So we let the kids run around and stay up WAYYYYY too late thus they slept in out of sheer exhaustion. Yeah for me huh! So i took my much needed time off of work (and stuck with my family with no way for my husband or me to escape)Sometimes that is the cure for a undiagnosed illness.

Right now my husband is NOT cooking a meal that smells so good my mouth is watering. I can't help but think "man, how lucky am I"!! He enjoys being in the kitchen and I enjoy letting him be there. It really is one of the reasons that we balance each other out and I think we should work it out. Those things I don't like to do he does and so forth....

Today I did NOT let my children build the gingerbread house I bought and intended to do at Christmas time. Yes, I know it is January but better late than never huh. My saving grace was the thought that if they did not take away my parent card of the video I posted of my 6 yr old singing Britney Spears they won't mind if i put this off as well, will they???? Isn't it the thought that counts :)

Today I did NOT get my heart broken when I walked outside to see my twisty curvy expensive looking tree that is positioned right outside our front door, iced over and wilted to the point of no return. I shudder to think of how I am going to bring myself to spend the money to replace it...If you were to see the rest of my flower beds and how neglected they are you would know that while I do save "House and Home" articles with every intention of planting a beatiful garden sure to generate oohs and ahhs from my envious neighbors....those intentions never make it to reality. So we are the barren lawn on the block. The ones whose grass is too tall and lawn is not as green as the other ones due to lack of watering. We don't own a sprinkler and Scott's is not a brand name we own stock in. So to lose the one tree that was pleasing to look at is a big hit...but i will eat my porkchops and mashed potatos and be okay with that.....

For once I can say I have loved this snow day (as long as I can go back to work soon)

as always, take a second and say a prayer for Tuesday...today is her day and all...

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1 comment:

The Blonde Duck said...

Saw you on Chris Bliss and had to say hi!

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