so glad it's not Monday and Wednesday is not fun either. There is something about the possibility that putting on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the TV so that I can go back to sleep for 30 more minutes might work this time (I can dream can't I)....not that any other blogging mommy would dare put their child into bed with them and pretend to be joining in on the Saturday morning cartoon watching all the while drifting back to that happy place where there are no poopy diapers to change or laundry to fold. ahhhhh....finally friday.
so glad it's not Tuesday or Thursday...those halfway days that are wedged in between Monday and Wednesday. not really halfway to anything. Just pluuhhh days that you can't wait to end. at least in my over-dramatic, not as bad as I am making it sound, life.
This week was brutal. I am wrapping up loose ends for an upcoming Texas Hold "Em event and then at the same time it is Winter Ball time. oh, the life of an event planner is never without events. Not that I would trade it for a second. But I had to take a second and say....finally friday.

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