Monday, November 17, 2008

"Creek" not "creed" mom, said with an eye roll

I know every parent thinks their child is a hoot and I am no exception. I laugh hyseterically everytime she tells me her "Thomas Jefferson Creek" I try to correct her and tell her it is the "Creed" not "Creek" but it's a lost cause. Almost like when she asks for Cretzels (you know, those brown things that the rest of us substitute the P for the C) but like I said she's a pure hoot.


Mother Letter said...


and I can't wait to read your letter.



Twincerely,Olga said...

Happy Saturday Sharefest!!! what a cutie!!!

I Wonder Wye said...

I love what kids come up with. I still remember my older brother calling coupons conpews....and my calling brussel sprouts 'martian heads' -- who knows where they come up with things? stopping over from SITS

Shelle said...

She is really cute!! I love her Pledge of Allegiance!!

Happy SITS Saturday!

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