Tuesday, November 25, 2008

thank you, it's monday

I started off my day wonderfully. My supervisor bought me flowers and told me she appreciates me. (I know, right) But the roses only smelled sweet for so long.


Then I got to my office and this is what greeted me. A bunch of HUGE boxes. But it was okay, seeing as they were all going to be packed with food to be distributed to families for Thanksgiving meals. It's hard to complain about something like that.

On to the first of two mommy duties. First up was dinner with Isaiah at his school. The kids dressed up as indians and this little chief was not too thrilled with his hat. Which I don't really blame him. Have you tried to put paper on your head for any length of time? Not too comfy. But it was hilarious.

Emory was in her element all dressed up and ready to show off for the parents.

I wish I could say this was my day but really it was just the beginning.....
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