Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chicks N Chili

Kaileigh and her Aunt Kari warming up for the 5K (yeah, my kid actually did the 5K even if it was only because she had no idea what she was getting into)

Still all smiles, rarin to go!! I think the excitement of all the people was contagious, I even wished I was out there giving it a try (and then I remembered how far they were going and I was glad I had to be working instead) We had almost 500 participants and their families so you can imagine the huge turnout. For the most part I was really pleased

ANd so was Kaileigh until she decided halfway through (and a few more times after that) that she could not finish. But her aunt would not let her quit and ended up dragging her across the finish line. I guess the fact that Kari is a cross country runner and has been for years was a good thing and a bad thing. But Kaileigh kept up, running most of it and finishing in 33 minutes. This picture looks worse than it is, and yes, the tears were real. I was so proud of her as I handed her the flowers I bought her.At the time she just handed the flowers back and cried into my shirt. But later on (and even now) she talks about how she can't believe she did it and is glad she tried. That's my girl.

Myself and my awesome Boys and Girls Clubbers (staff that is) I can't tell you how awesome these folks are and how my opinion of them was changed by the end of this day. I am truly blessed to be a part of something growing into my dream job. You never know coming into something new, but I could not be happier (well, maybe after getting caught up on my house that I have neglected for the past week working on this race) job wise though, I am blessed.
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