Saturday, November 29, 2008

Since I left off a kid in two of these I guess my decision has been made

Okay, so I was browsing and I stumbled across McMommy's blog and I realized I need to get a jump on my holiday cards BEFORE two weeks until Christmas. I needed a pick me up since I am climbing the walls with the kids being out of school the past 4 days. So here are some of my final maybes.

I like this one and the fact that I could use 3 pictures was cool, but it seemed to busy so I just used the same pick 3 times and I kinda like it. I usually go with red or green so the blue is new to me. Kinda feel hip and trendy with this one.

I just like this picture. I constantly get asked if my husband is mad but he is like this is EVERY picture he takes. And I only get a few family pictures a year so I just have to make do with what I get. I did not think this one was too shabby.

So I don't think I am going to go with this one. I do like it but it is a little too dark and somber for me.

What do you think? If you get a chance, send me your cards so I can post them. I just love this time of year!!!!!
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Liz said...

I came over here to check out your blog after seeing your card on McMommy's site. Here's my question for ya. On the card posted on her site, it lists 4 people but there are 5 people in the pic. I'm noticing on your blog site, one of the cards lists another kiddo that is missing from the other cards. So umm...did ya mean to do that? Most of them say Dan, Wendy, Kaleigh & Ike. But there is only one card that also lists Emory. I'm confused. Then again, I haven't read up on your blog. Maybe it'll explain things to me.

Wendy said...

okay, so good catch. I did leave one off, does that mean I have too many (hope they don't take away my parent card) thank you for noticing!!!

Small Town Girl said...

Wend I like them all but the one on the bottem is my fav. And I was just reading what Liz said and then your reply no that doesn't mean you have to many it just means you have a lot going on love ya girl oh and by the way you have been tagged go and read my blog that says 4th picture 4th floder!!

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