Friday, November 21, 2008

i heart

1. my new blog design but I wonder how long I can go before I get sick of those pictures? (thank you Shauna)

2. That I got to sleep in my own bed last night without 2 extra bodies (a 2 and a 5yr old) invading my space.Thank the lord for small miracles.

3..That Daniel unblocked the filter on my yahoo email account at work. (I was terrified I missing something, I have bid on several things on ebay you know)

4. That today is friday and tommorrow is Chicks N Chili. (Last night I finished up registration and we have 423 participants so far that is alot of email address to type)

5. My flowers on my desk from Sabrina. It is soooo nice to be appreciated!

6. The Mother Letter blog. It's on my blog roll. Go check it out, write a letter and then tell your friends about it.

oh cow, look at the time. I would love to go on and on with more things I love but I have to go pick up 600 bottles of water from Nestle.I will return next week with lots of downtime and things to complain about. Have a GREAT weekend!


Bethany said...

Your blog is cute! I'm just shocked that it's pink!!!!!

Jennifer said...

Hey Wendy! It's Jennifer (Hartman) Jones. Love your blog and seeing your precious kids. Question, I wanted to subscribe to your blog so I can be updated with new posts, but it says something about your RSS isn't enabled/working. What's up with that?? :-)

Sandra said...

Hi Love your blog. :)

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