Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Emory's 6th Birthday party

Just love this kid...not that I don't love all my kids equally...but this one I can't kiss enough. My husband is worried because he says he is too pretty. Can a kid be too pretty???


I just love trick candles. You'd think by now they would figure it out and just proceed with the candle blowing out knowing that they will have to repeat the process two or three times. But no, they are none the wiser.
So they (at least act) suprised when the candles re-light themselves. (tee hee hee)

Don't know any other kids that wants their NOVEMBER birthday party to be at a place that has a pool but what can I say, my kids is an original. She had outgrown her bathing suit this summer and since NO ONE sells swimming suits in the winter, we had to last minute- scrounge around for one.

Good times, Good times
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