Thursday, February 19, 2009

Writer's Workshop and my own little Britney Spears

So I mosied on over to Mama Kat's blog Mama's Losin It and have accepted the challenge of this week's writer's workshop

For you newbies it's never to late to jump in!! Here is what you must do. Choose a prompt that inspires you most. Write. Come back Thursday and paste your blog URL into the Mister Linky that will be up...this way anyone can click on your name and head over to your place to see what you wrote.

Feel free to write on more than one prompt if you so desire. I do it all the time, but it's my game...and I don't know how to it should be expected. And remember the more comment love you give, the more comment love you get so comment comment away.

The Prompts:

1.) If you were starring on American Idol TONIGHT and HAD to sing, what song would you choose and why.

2.) Take a picture of yourself right this minute without primping and explain to us why it is you have not washed your hair today.

3.) I just asked Pat to help me with a writing prompt so here's his: "What do you think about the NBA All Star game"...blech.

4.) What's your number one pet peeve? Develop a punishment for anyone caught in the act.

5.) Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up.

My answers

so this one was kinda easy for me. maybe because i was a singing,mean older sister with a lot of pet what to choose? what to choose?

guess i will go with number one since i have already written about pet peeves earlier in the week (altough i may have to edit it because i did not think to add a suitable punishment)

if i had to go on American Idol TONIGHT i would have to choose "Womanizer by Britney Spears" and i would get my inspiration from my own little Britney (and i mean that with all due respect) tee hee hee.....

*shameless parent disclaimer: i know i have posted this before but i loved it so much it needed an encore presentation

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Sheri said...

How adorable!!! Thanks for dropping by . . .

get in here said...

Fantastic stuff. Sometimes here isn't enough time in the day.

Ashley said...

haha.. makes me laugh everytime. SO CUTE

Angela Tolsma said...

Such a good song!! I will have to watch your video now!!