1.) My favorite book is: "Me and Emma" by Elizabeth Flock, Maya Angelou, "And All Our Wounds are Healed" by Julius Lester, The Little Book of Letting Go" by Hugh Prather and as cliche as it sounds The Bible (Sorry, I don't have just one of anything)

2.) I drive a: Ford Escape

3.) My Favorite type of food is: anything with sour cream, and cheese

4.) My Favorite dessert is: cheesecake with chocholate on it yummmmmm....

5.) My Favorite movie is: yes, I am a dork. I LOVE "Singing in the Rain"

6.) When I Go to Starbucks I get: a tall white chocolate mocha (okay, so i admit, i am the girl that likes to buy the coffee that tastes more like hot chocolate but i feel grown up with the cup and the coffee sleeve) yummy....

7.) My Favorite Veggie is: broccoli....with cheese (or asparagus...with cheese) wait, is chesse a veggie cause i can just go with that one.

8.) My Favorite Thing to Wear is: flannel men's pj pants are great, but i really feel strong, confident, and grown up in a nice pair of slacks and cute shirt.

9.) My Favorite Color is: with out a doubt purple

10.) I Decorate My house In This Way: I would say chabby chic, or Tuscan comfortable (i think i just made up a new "Style") bold sexy colors, kid friendly and lived in cozy.

okay, so this DOES not describe the room I just said my house looks like...but it's so cute i just want to pretend
11.) Right Now I am Reading: "Letters to My Daughter" by Maya Angelou (thanks Syard)

12.) If I Could Vacation Anywhere it would be: Without a doubt, Malta

So there you have it...a little more of me.
I might have to change my dessert answer to cheesecake with chocolate on it...it looks so super yummy!
It's so good to get to know you! have a great night!
I agree everything is better with cheese! Well...almost! I think your blog is so cute! It's nice to "meet" you!
Hey Wendy...Don't feel too bad...I'm a dork too...my name is on Kasey's list twice!!!
I described my favorite dessert and you put a picture to it!!
It's nice to 'meet' you! Have a great day!
Hi, I'm Leah. Love the header on your blog! :) Enjoyed your list.
Have a GREAT day!
Hi Wendy! So nice to meet you. I loved reading your list. Malta - what a great place to put at the top of places to go!
I am also a dork. I listed my link as one from last week by mistake. So I had to go back in and redo my link. Oh well, maybe I will figure it out eventually!
Have a great day!
I loved getting a quick glimpse of who you are : ) Especially with the pictures! And that is SO cute about your little prince calling you his princess in the last post! LOVED it!
I came across your blog from The Mother Letters Project blog. I know this is silly...but my daughter is in the Leelou Blogs cute baby photo contest and I am trying to spread the word for people to vote for her!! I need HUNDREDS of votes for her to even come close to catching up to the front-runners. I have been trying to figure out where to find hundreds of people, and I didn't think it was approriate to ask Seth to post something so silly on The Mother Letters Blog (obviously), but I figured maybe all the people who helped with the project would be willing to go give my little Makenzie from AZ a vote : ) If not, that's ok too. I am just trying to get creative and reach more people! If you'd like to help me by voting for Makenzie, please go to http://www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com/ and spread the word for others to vote as well : )
EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH...I am also recruiting prayer warriors for a tiny little miracle baby named Kayleigh Freeman, maybe you've heard of her and are already praying for her. It was through her blog that I heard about the contest in the first place. Even if you don't take the time to vote for Makenzie, please take a minute to visit HER website: http://www.kayleighannefreeman.blogspot.com/ and say a prayer for this sweet girl!
Daniele Brown
PS- THE MOTHER LETTERS PROJECT is in NO WAY associated with this request other than the fact that I found your blog there!!
Thanks for stopping by and the sweet comments. I love your header too....too cute!
By the way I just noticed you were from AR. also. How cool...where abouts?
Thanks for stopping by.
Mmmm, cheese cake is my favorite dessert too...
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