wait, totally inappropriate comment strike that thought...or at least don't tell anyone i said it out loud. i am supposed to be in mouring my failed marriage and all.
then i decided to tackle my jungle...er yard. i am not ashamed to admit i have been lucky enough to con.....convince someone to help me mow my yard. and now, my dad is claiming age, my brother is off in his own marital bliss, kaileigh is not old enough yet for me to force..bribe,,, beg and demand her to do it (yet) and my ex is out of the question. so that leaves me.
i got the front done and this is what i felt like......

screw the backyard, at least my neighbors will stop giving me, "gee why did we get YOU for a neighbor look" good enough, rocky the conqueror is now rocky the mouse (wasnt bullwinkle's sidekick something like a mouse? i will have to google that.
so anyway, after a shower and a redbull i am checking my email and what do i see? this is the email i got;
Saw your info and would like more
information. I think I know your birthmother. M
name with held (he did give me his name i
just don't think he would want me to post it on my
needless to say i was freaked. i called my mom to get her opinion and she was all for me answering him so i did. his name is not M by the way, that is the first initial of my birthmother's name. It is just so scary cause you always hear stories of people taking advantage and trying to get money for this or that to "help you search" and that would just break my heart. i am determined to not get my hopes up but how freakin cool would that be if my birthmother FOUND me. i just know that all the questions of life would be answered and i would be made whole......okay, nice thought but i am only kidding. i would be really happy though. And then i could stop emailing and begging Troy the Locator to help me :)
i keep promising pics of the new house, they are coming soon (gotta find the cord so i can upload them to my computer, i packed a little too well for my liking)
until then i will leave you with this image....little man has a mohawk (thanks to the ex)

1 comment:
Hi, it's me. I know you are going to think I am stalking you but I just want to get to know as much as I can about you.It's been a long 31 years for me. Remember, I knew about you way before anyone else. I feel like God has given me my second chance and I don't want to mess this one up. Maureen
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