Wednesday, June 10, 2009

not so bad, not so great day.

let's see, what have i been up to?

not really a whole lot. School starts soon so i am getting ready for that. i decided that i want a stress-less job so since this is the hotel capital of the world i am gonna try to find a job in a hotel. very random i know, but i have always been that way. growing up i went back and forth between teacher, interior decorator and cab driver. if that is not random enough for you, i was gonna be a pop/movie star somewhere in all of that.

now i have no idea what i want to be when i grow up.

i am finally over my feelings of extreme irriation/frustration with my son. i tell you that kid is into EVERYTHING. this morning he dumped a whole box of cheerios in the bathtub and then turned on the water. then he led me into the bathroom screaming "im hungry"

so yeah, kind of exasperating.

the kids are out of school (blugh) and are constantly bored.....(which makes me want to go into their rooms and throw everything away.....since they have noting to do why is their junk taking up my space) so we are doing the swimming, library, friend house thing for awhile. Kaileigh is going to a christian camp next week and is counting down the hours till time to go. Emory is spending time with her father and isaiah is dumping cheerios in the bathtub and pulling the dogs hears.......that was exhausting just to type, imagine living it.

me, not working is good and bad. good cause i have time to get everything in order due to the move and getting ready for school (x-ray tech by the way) bad because i feel like a bum.

oh yeah, did i mention my dog had her puppies. AGAIN. they really are cute but we just did this 5 months ago and my procrastination of getting her fixed obviously bit me in the behind. they are cute. two dapple and one brown (pictures to follow when mommy stops growling at me) now i gotta find a home for them and explain to my kids why we can't keep them (we have 3 already)

going to see my mom soon and that will be very exciting (i will be a ball of nerves i am sure) this is a good thing though and i just have to work through it. i am just thankful that she wants to be a real and present relationship in my life. she is going to tell my other sister (one does know) and i really don't know what to think about that. this has just all seemed so smooth. not at all like the other lifetime movies i have seen :) so someone has to give us some grief at some point right??? please don't let it be my sister. i don't know if i could take that. it is still nuts to think that i am a big sister. i mean, i have a younger brother but this just feels different. if i lost you sorry, i am rambling today. anyway, that will happen this weekend so fingers crossed it goes okay.

someone asked me if i have looked for my birth father or not and i really have not. Don't know why it was so important for me to find her but not him. i never had that burning desire and don't really know where to start. i do have a name though so we will see what comes of that. my sister JaLana is stalking i mean looking online so maybe she can find something.

so that is my not so bad, not so great day. no complaints just a day. now i am off to go walk in the park. i don't have the kiddos tonight and i fully intend to savor every second of ME time.

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