but I did get to go to Denney's. Not my favorite place to eat (that would be Red Lobster) but a close second. Love me some eggs and toast and Isaiah and Emory had a good time too which always makes it better.
but while I was sitting there got a text from someone I used to love. Telling me that I needed to take a picture of her and me off of my facebook cause "she was not my friend" .....ouch.
I am so far from perfect I do recognize this. but to have it so coldly reminded in a text really was a kick in the gut. But I removed the picture and tried not to be sad the rest of the day. And something tells me she will read this and be pissed off all over again so my advice to her is
"Quit stalking me online and you will not be reminded of what a piece of crap you think I am"
but anyway, par for the course with this chick......
I did squeeze in a trip to the dog park for the two kids I have left (Kaileigh is at camp) and Brady which they loved...me, not so much cause it was a million degrees and you have to pick up the poop before you leave in these handy bags they provide for you (how generous)
got home and forced the kids to go to bed....did get to lay on my trampoline by myself. that is truly my all time favorite place in my house. at night. silent. stars. ipod......priceless
came inside and saw the most precious words...internet connected.
i have wireless internet and it likes to be fickle and not connect for long stretches of time. but tonight it was kind and let me update everything. Got to email my sisters (still love saying that. it will never grow old for me or be something I don't treasure) and even saw my picture on my mom's page. We have been a little cautious cause some people don't know, but seeing my picture on her page was a strange sort of validation that felt wonderful. And one of my sisters commented on the pic in a way that people will know we are related so that was ever better.
It truly does get better with time.
so anyway, it's late. I have to be up early to be a model at a class for my hairdresser friend that will have some "new trend" to try on my already fragile hair........ah the life of the brave.
what a meanie - facebook can be a really dangerous place!!!!
I am coming to realize that those kind of people get enjoyment out of making people hurt. They think misery loves company. You are an awesome woman(not because you are my daughter) and for those that want to be hateful don't even stoop to their level and respond. don't even engage,they are truely not worth it. I can say that because I know a few of them! You are loved by most and adored by me. I LOVE YOU, MOM
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