couldn't tell you.....
I do absolutely adore the sound of my ipod music in one ear, and the mixture of kids snoring in my bed and rain falling outside my open window in the other ear. very peaceful and a great indicator of all the glorious me time I will have if I can just keep my eyes open.....not looking to hopeful that I will get to enjoy it for very long though.
it has been another busy one for the books though (but by the way my June has gone that is not really a suprise now is it) my dog had puppies (3, and thankfully these all lived) Kaileigh made it camp and is having a great time I am sure, Emory went to visit her dad for a week, and Isaiah is, welll , he is two. so that should tell you how he is.
I will admit I am getting used to the whole "hello I am your mother" thing really easy. almost too easy. It's a comfortable easy feeling talking to her. Almost like I have been doing it my whole life. And I guess in a way I have, just not really getting much of a response back. I can say though that the response I get back now more than makes up for it. So it's all good.
Maureen did tell my other sister. So now both of the twins know. I still struggle with how to start up some kind of contact. I don't want to be pushy, but I find myself wanting to be the big sister. To be a part of their circle. Maybe it's the me that never really fit in before wanting to be "in" with the cool popular girls, but I can't help it. They are my sisters and I want to know them. I guess in good time all will be the way it is meant to be. We did find each other after all right?
Today was a fun mommy day. I tend to do that when I am stressing about life (which I do alot of lately) so after an all to early wake up call we headed off to the library. Emory got signed up for the summer book club (man, I sound like a dorky mom I know but she thinks it is the coolest thing ever and I don't have the heart to tell her otherwise) and we chased Isaiah around while he screamed fishy (but it sounded like a vulgar word I will not repeat EVER) . But they had fun and I got a workout.
After not much of a nap we headed off to the park where my son the daredevil climbed on the monkey bars meant for the older kids. Why put the toddler area right next to the big kids area? I mean, come on, you know they see the puny equipment they have and then the super cool and dangerous equipment the big kids get and what do you think they are thinking "oh, this is so much safer, I think I will stay on the slide with the two steps versus the one with the 25 steps"
nawww, not my children!!
So after my heart slowed down we headed home. All in all a good mommy day. But the fun for me came when Emory and I went out to the trampoline and just lay there looking at the stars (and tried to ignore the nearby chicken houses smell).

We talked about life and then caught lightning bugs. I told her if you smoosh them on your skin it will glow. I thought it would freak her out, cause she is obsessed with death right now but she was pumped. So we smooshed........and she loved every second of it.

We talked about life and then caught lightning bugs. I told her if you smoosh them on your skin it will glow. I thought it would freak her out, cause she is obsessed with death right now but she was pumped. So we smooshed........and she loved every second of it.

topped off the night by talking to my mom for awhile. which i needed. I really love that woman!!!! okay, so i am going to try to get to bed now........wish me luck

1 comment:
Well it's abot time you wrote. I really look forward to see what you are going to write. You are creative and talented(this I can't claim(-:)Well I did it, I wrote my grandchild an email. I am looking forward to getting to know my family.I still have to pinch myself to see if this is true.All thefamily I have told are ready t embrace you and are very excited to what's instore for our ever growing family. I love you and count my blessings daily for you and my grandchildren.(love saying that). Thank- You for never giving up on us. Sending lots of love your way, MOM
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