Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friend Making it that time already??? it Monday already? I guess so.
And i have to say this is my favorite post. i love friend making mondays!!!!! cause who couldn't use some more friends??? today it is a game of question and answer. so here goes

Answer honestly!

What is your blogger name?

When is your birthday?
Feb. 2

How long have you been blogging?
not sure??? i will have to go back and look (do i get points deducted for not knowing that?)

Who tagged you?

Tell me your five most favorite body parts.
my eyes (cause all my kids got the same eyes and we always get compliments on how pretty they are)

What do you wish most for your birthday?
ugh....i honestly hate getting presents for myself. i feel guilty
but i love purses, rings and books if that helps

What color are you nails right now?
ahhh natural...with maybe a trace of kid boogers.. (gross i know but it said answer honestly)

Have you had any depressing thoughts lately?
well, since i am getting divorced and am homeless and jobless, it's a wonder i have not committed bodily harm to myself yet...but here i stand

What’s your plan for the next month?
ummm....job, home, divorce.

At what age did you have your first crush?
in kindergarten i was going to marry David Knolevicah

Have you attended any school reunions?
too many kids to do that

Have you ever passed gas in public and pretended like you didn’t smell anything?
i can say proudly no, i hate gas and will hold it till i am green and passing out. but you would never know it.

Are you a clean freak?
no, i am a slob

What era do you wish you were born in?
okay with what i have to work with

Are you a vegetarian?

How many pillows do you sleep with at night?
as many as i can wrangle away from whoever is in the bed wit me

Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper?

Do you secretly wear granny panties when your man is not around?
this will be a too much info answer for you. but in the context of answering honestly i have to say i dont wear panties and only own like 2 pairs (neither of which are comfortable nor would i want to wear)

What is your ultimate dream job?
teacher, i think

What does your husband do that annoys you the most?
since i am getting divorced...he breaths

What is your dream car?
Lexus Suv

Do you wake up easily in the morning?
heck no...never

Do you like hairy men?
ummmmjm. no

How about a man with a goatee?
still no

Which would you prefer: a two-hour spa massage, a two-hour Thai massage, or a two-hour foot massage?
spa massage totally!!!

Have you ever wished you had a different name? If so, what name?

What is the most extreme sport you have ever done?

Do you prefer traveling in Europe or Asia?
have not done either

What is your favorite food?
anything with chesse or sour cream

What is your most embarrassing moment while out on a date?
this will be boring cause i can't remember

You can just copy and paste my questions and answers onto your blog and then erase my answers and fill in your own!

Can't wait to get to know you all better! Happy FMM!!!

post signature


Tanielle said...

I love friend makin' mondays!! Fun to get to know stuff about you. I am sorry you are going through the whole divorce thing. I've been there and it is NOT a pleasant good luck and I will be thinking of you, brings the memories back, and again sorry! Hope it all goes smoothly. :-)

Heidi Boos said...

You certainly were honest with your answers, but that's what it's all about! Cracked about your extreme sport answer. ;) Happy Monday!

Leah said...

LOVE the extreme sports answer. Your answers made me laugh.

Xazmin said...

"he breathes" Ha - that one cracked me up! I am sorry you are having to deal with that right now though...good luck with everything.

Jen @ said...

It's nice to meet you! I liked your list. Your extreme sport answer cracks me up. I am sorry to hear you are going through a divorce - good luck with everything.

Have a great day!


Rhonda said...

Hi Wendy!
Enjoyed your list! Don't you just love FMM! Love your extreme sport question...I should have thought of that! :D LOL

Sorry to hear that you are going through a divorce! I hope things go as smooth as possible.

honeysuckle said...

By your answers you sound like a very strong woman with a cute sense of humor which I hope will help you through your divorse. So sorry about that. I wish you well. Loved your childbearing answer! Have a happy day--no more despressing thoughts!

capperson said...

I am sorry you are going through a divorce. I hope everything goes in your favor!! I love the he breathes answer!! Hilarious!!

momma said...

nice to meet you today. loved your honest answers. i hope your next month goes well.

E said...

I LOVE your extreme sports answer!!! How true!! Friend Makin' Mondays is a BLAST!

Kasey said...

sorry to hear about your depressing thoughts...keep your head up, and I hope that FMM will help you during your tough time!

childbearing is extreme isn't it!

Christie in Dallas, TX said...

You sound like a survivor, and I hope the upcoming month ends up to be a liberating month for you. Love your answers and your sense of humor!