I could say many things about my opinion of her, none of which are christian or kind so i will save most of them. i do think she looks like a man though ( did not say that, i agreed with McMommy-she said it first). And what is up with the addition of all the NON-housewives? Doesnt the name imply you are marred (i.e. houseWIVES?)
It can't be for the drama factor cause the married chicks seem to be wayyyy more diva-ish, claws and fangs displayed and ready to get it on than the single ones are. But it never fails, there is one token single party girl every season.
And speaking of NON-Housewives good ol GRETCHEN has her own website. Complete with all her coming in 2009 projects like makeup,t-shirts, and lingerie. And it is hysterical to me that she has an O magazine on the header of her website. Not too sure what to think of the blog post of the eulogy she wrote for Jeff's funeral though.

She is very pretty, don't get me wrong, i just don't like her. kinda like my feelings for Kelly. especially since she pulled a Chris Brown on her 10 years younger boyfriend.
i kinda figured i would read about stuff like this coming from those Atlanta chicks. that show should be on VH1 not bravo. but you know i DVR every episode so who am i to complain???
1 comment:
I have a love hate realationship with gretchen she is so pretty and I love her clothes and hair but not her personality
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