Kesha: Animal
MINDI have been reading a series of books my sister got me hooked on. They are called the BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD books and there are five of them in the box set I have. Let me tell you...if you liked Twilight this series is the NON teeny version. And even if you don't smoke you will want a cigarette after you done. It's the saga of five vampire warrier brothers that are each disturbed in their own right but somehow overcome that to find true love. And sometimes the ending is not happily ever after. LOVE this series and was really sad to finish the last book. Each of the five books is a different vampires story while intertwining all the lives together....
Also reading THE HAPPINESS PROJECT BY GRETCHEN RUBIN in the front flap of the book the author sums it up in a small but powerful sentence. "The days are long but the years are short and I find myself not focusing on the things that matter" The author set about not uprooting her life but rather improving it where she was. Which is a lesson I could definately take to heart.
MOUTH Sometimes, I don't try a product out just because EVERYONE has it. Which is kind of ignorant on my part cause if EVERYONE has must be good huh?! So while walking through the isles in Walgreen's the other day I saw a tube of BURT'S BEESWAX LIP BALM..and on a whim (and not looking at the price tag on the small tube of chapstick) i got it.....LOVE IT.
but don't worry CARMEX i am still in love with you and the eight tubes
NOSE I am a candle
I met you TYLER CANDLES.... especially BOUGIE PARUMEE
whooo in their right mind could resist a name like that....or Diva, 2Spoiled, and Wedding Cake
PURSENothing clever, just an honest look at what's in my purse. and ugh!!
OKAY, so that is not really my purse or my stuff but it could very well be (except through in some scooby doo figurines and a half eaten honey bun or three oh yeah, and a tube of carmex)
DVD PLAYER Having kids provides little opportunity to actually watch what I want. So the two DVDs I can recite are suprisingly two movies that I am enjoying. One being a movie that actually IS one I chose and not a kiddie movie. The other one is not so much my pick, but hey, you pick your battles right.
The Changeling with Angelina Jolie
Today is a full day (scratch that..not just today the whole weekend is full) very excited!! This morning little man and I are going to John Q. Hammonds center for RHEA LANA'S consignment sale.
I stumbled upon the blog for the sale and got a really cool idea that I actually used. How many times are you somewhere and you find CHEAP SHOES.....for kids.....
and then, not that you will have this problem because you are on top of it and alas, I AM NOT... I always struggle over what size to buy. This cute idea solves that for me.
trace your childs foot and this shopper went one step further by writing down EXACTLY what she needed for her child.
clever huh!
So after a (hopefully not too long) day shopping (little man is spending the day with me) I have some laundry to tackle and then it's date night with my humans. we are going to dress up (we meaning them) in crazy clothes and go see
my own pics to follow :) happy friday friends

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