This was a kid-less weekend for me. I do struggle with those when I am all alone (meaning boy or husband less) and since that seems to be my forseeable future this being my first, I was scared of the happening..
Friday night I hung out with Alicia Sue. She is so very funny. We went to her mom's house and talked about life and love and what the heck were we thinking moments we have done over the last 7 years. So much fun, that girl is. And her mom is a hoot too. I have never been able to talk to my mom like that. Heck. sometimes it's hard to talk to either one of them so it is always fascinating to me when i stumble apon that sweet open mommy-daughter thing. The kind of "thing" I dream of for me and my babies.
Saturday, I awoke having spent the night in her daughter Lilli's princess room to a long uncertain day. What the heck would I do to pass the time? On the way home I spotted a antique store and ventured in. It was called Precious Cargo and boy was there ever! That is how I ended up with this
Since having four dogs, two beta fish, three kids leaves me feeling like I don't have to take care of we are now the ecstatic owner of a parakeet. Jonas.
Emory named him. You can use your imagination on how she came up with the name. Ugh! a bird.
help me lord!
Saturday night was fun enough I suppose. We got all dolled up and I tried out the new hair. We went to the usual haunts. Cowboy, Bobbisox, and the Spanish speaking concert where Alicia's husband was doing security. I hardly had a think to drink, saw Ryan's mom and ran out of there as fast as I walked in, and was at home in bed by midnight. But I was out. NOT missing Ryan. looking pretty getting hit on and best of all I was laughing. really hard laughing. it was much needed easy going fun.
Sunday was a mommy-daughter time of my own you could say. Kaileigh and I decided to go see the new Robert Pattinson movie
I am not a big movie person. I have been to quite a few lately but pretty much this man has been in everyone (well, 2 of 4) and I really did not know what this movie was about. The last ten minutes had me boohooing so hard I was glad there was only 5 people in the theater (me kaileigh and her friend being three of the 5) It was SO good. go see it. Thought it was gonna be about him. and her. But it really is not. It's about not dealing with pain, not knowing how to anyways, and the aftermath of trying to just get by after a tragedy. It's about complex relationships and what do you do when they are broken down and toxic and yet important and impactful in the long haul. It's about the crappy things that happen to us all but yet we still find some way to see the good in it all.
Didnt see that coming did you?!?
This man is so occupying my dreams right now. I know that is silly and a lot of people don't like the whole need a shower look but I really dig him. It's the dark, mysterious,brooding thing I am guessing. Sucker for a guy with a thought or two. And for some reason everytime I am going through a break up he pops up. When Dan and I split up Twilight came out and I wept and watched the dang thing for days. Now New Moon comes out and it doesnt help that I went with Ryan to go see it in the theater. Ugh. the angst.
Monday I went out to lunch with Xtina and her man and her man's friend. An odd sort of lunch date and I made her sit by me so I would not have to sit by him. And then I proceeded to insult him and dig my whole further and further so that if at any point in the lunch he wanted to see me again. well. lets just say not so much. He asked me when I was gonna take him to the movies. I told him November never. I said that I seemed to be a loser magnet and that from now on I am going to be picky.
I have been asked out three times in the last week and a half and while I have been tempted to say hell no almost every time I was polite. rude and obnoxious and basically said hell no.
What is wrong with me?!
opps! This time I really did not mean to say it LIKE that. what I meant to say was that I often say yes on impulse before getting to know the guy then fall madly in love with the VERY WRONG sort of guy. case in point. Ryan. I am going to take two months. two months of no guys and no dates and no pressure. Just me. and the babies, and maybe some long nights on the trampoline....
Just now I started to go into this long drawn out explanation of all the things he did and all the ways I was wronged. and you know what.....It's just over. and he was JUST WRONG for me. or I was wrong for him. It was fun for a time and then it just wasnt and like all things Wendy I am making it into more than it is or was. He is not the last guy I will ever feel for. my a-ha moment came and today was a great day.
Today was a parent teacher conference and a good workout at the gym. Kuk Sol with Emory, rented movies with Kaileigh Shay and all of us are happily chomping away on some Subway. Volunteering tommorow in the thriving metropolis of Lowell doing who knows what. Giving back to my community you could say.
So goodnight my bloggy friends

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