us....we do it with crazy faces. on Saturdays. in March
After we destroyed decorated our tree we decided to go to the park. It being such a gorgous day I wanted the monsters kids to burn off a little energy.
Of course Kailegh being all of twelve years old was horified that I would FORCE her to spend time with us.
While little man was all smiles...
I did get smiles out of Kaileigh eventually. And why must my kids throw up deuces like they are teenagers..The kid is seven. enough already.
we did a little fake rock climbing
and Mommy's prince climbed in my lap and did the trademark "i love you girl" and would not swing with me until I said "i love you boy"
She got up there and then was so mad when I would not get her down. After I yelled "Dont get up there if you can't get her down"
of course I did get her down.
After she started crying and screaming that I WAS THE WORST MOMMY EVER... and maybe she is right. See, I don't do crybaby. And she somehow has gotten it in her head if she does that she will get special treatment.
and so she shall. I have started filming her doing it to show her what she looks like. Today she started crying cause I told her to stop being so mean and bully-ish to her friend that was with us. She was tired and cranky and everything set her off. Add in that Isaiah started calling her a crybaby and telling her to stop and it was over. Turned into three min of a breakdown, her telling me it was because she was not getting a turn on the swing (false by the way) and once I calmed her down it was all least till the next breakdown.
and i do need to stop. laughing that is. There is nothing like a three year old telling a seven year old to "ack right"....
Leave it to little man to take charge and make it all better. I swear those kisses melt ANY heart. even Emory
soon she was all smiles again. I never did find out if I am still the WORST MOMMY EVER..
me and my girls.....

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