Tuesday, March 02, 2010

a little bit of me...

A "Getting to Know You" Survey
Created by mrsbaer and taken 55895 times on Bzoink
The Basics
Name::depends on who you ask
Birthdate::Feb 2
Birthplace::New Orleans, Louisiana
Current Location::in my bedroom wrapped up in a quilt
Eye Color::blue...and sometimes green
Hair Color::right now it's blond apt to change soon
Your webpage::http://wendyarrington.blogspot.com/
Are you taken?:in my heart
Are you a virgin?:i have three kids...what do you think
How many & what kind of pets do you have?:4 dogs (Bell,Basil,Brutus and Brady) and 3 kids
What's your job?:mommy
What's your Dream Job?:something in the non-profit world
Who is your best friend?:my computer,my journal and my gel pen
What instruments do you play?:i play a mean bongo and beat box machine that Ree got for Christmas
What are your hobbies?:writing,singing,writing,UFC
What are your goals?:to leave the world better than i found it
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?:not a chance
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?:very eclectic. from Maya Angelou to Idi Amin
How would do describe yourself?:a woman of very many words
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?:boys
What do you daydream about?:see above
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?:i love a understanding and giving God
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One::can't say his name on the internet
Two::see above
Three::see above
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?:depends on the alcohol intake
Spender or Saver?:HUGE spender
Truth or Dare?:dare
Books or Movies?:depends on if i want to think (books) or cry (movies)
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?:Thriller or Romantic
Cats or Dogs?:neither, my kids are enough
Mountain or Beach?:mountain
Sweet or Salty?:depends what time of the month it is
Do You...
Drink?:i've been known to
Get annoyed easily?:sometimes
Like to travel?:are my kids going?
Like to drive fast?:no
Sing well?:i think so
Want kids?:i hope so, i have three
-----What would you name a boy?:Deacon Adam
-----What would you name a girl?:Carson Maureen
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?:yes, lots of stuff mom is a drama major
Been in a car accident?:unfortunately. with a cop
Been out of the country? Where?:nope
What Is...
The last CD you bought?:do people still buy cd's
The last movie you saw in the theater?:Valentines Day
The last movie you rented?:not sure but i am a redbox regular
Your greatest fear?:dying before my kids knew they are my world
Your greatest strength?:my heart
Your greatest weakness?:my heart
Your happiest memory?:meeting my mom
Your Favorite...
Movie::ahhhhh. where do i start
TV Show::anything with VH1,General, or crime in it
Food::anything with cheese
Drink::Dr. Pepper
Scent::fall scents. harvests,spices, and warm smells
Season & WHY::fall. all the things it does to my senses
Day of the week & WHY::Saturday. cause you got one stay home day left
Store::Target, Perfect Choice, or Kirkland's
Quote::I can be changed by what happens to me but I refuse to be reduced by it ~Maya
What Do You Think About...
Abortion::i'm adopted so i am not really for it
Homosexuality::to each his own, i just dont want to watch
God::love him love him love him
Jesus::see above
Satan::don't really have a good relationship with him
Heaven::excited to get there
Hell::glad i am not gonna find out
Miracles::see em everyday
War::unfortuante necessity
Reincarnation::not so much
Karma::is a naughty word
Luck::sometimes shines on me
Aliens::is a crappy movie
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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