
anyway, that had absolutely nothing to do with New Year's (but it was funny) so let me get back to my post. I decided to do a New Year's post ala photobucket (and with contributions from the Arrington family photographer...myself)cause who wants to just read my resolutions when pictures are so much more interesting....
Every year as long as I can remember it has been Kaileigh and me watching Dick Clark and kissing each other (the last few years she will only let me kiss her cheek as she is almost a grown up and too old to kiss her mother on the mouth) it is our tradition to just be together.It started out just us two cause that is all their was of our small family and as the family has growned it has stayed a time we look back on how far we have come and how excited we are to see where we will be going. She is the same sentimental sap that her mommy is and I love it! She gets my need to be this way.
so anyway, I just love New Year's Eve. The name alone does it for me. NEW YEAR. Not that the old one wasnt great but I love the chance to start over. I think that is cause I have self esteem issues and feel like such a failure most of the time. I don't say that in a pity party kind of way I just usually find a way to mess up things even though I have the best of intentions. So here is to the promise of getting it right in 09,,,,
Last year my kids helped me turn 30 at Red Lobster. I want to remember this year to stay focused on the fact that I have healthy crazy kids that make my head spin. Each day is a gift and the next one is not guaranteed. I should not feel stressed but blessed.

and than mommy celebrated on her own!!

Last year Dan and I got to go to Vegas (gasp! and we were ALONE) it was a much needed escape and a special time to reconnect.

and then we took the kids to Disney World for Dan and Kaileigh's Birthdays.

with a stop off at Sea World for the girls and me

and as fun as those trips were last year, this year I want to remember that it is not how far away you travel in miles but how far you can travel closer together as a family.That is what makes a successful family.
Last year we took in a game or two...This year I want the kids to get to play in some games of their own. My goal is to keep my kids active and busy on positive things like sports and music not just tv and chores.

Last year I was able to cuss my husband enough to get him to take a picture or two ....This year I want to make him happy enough to actually WANT to be in the picture and not hold it over my head for this great and wonderful thing he thinks he did (and I realize I am setting myself up by saying that but oh well sometimes being a wife is work)

Last year I MADE the girls be nice to each other...This year I want to teach through example reasons why they should WANT to be nice. So that means being nice to my own brother and sister.

This one is hard to admit but last year I babied Isaiah. I did it okay. I spoiled him and turned him into a sissy momma's boy. So this year I want him to learn to be his own man. He is just so stinkin cute I could not help it!!

Last year I started to heal and really understand the impact of Jack Ryan's life and death on my life. I learned that prayer does yield blessings that might take awhile for you to really undersatnd.and that you just have to accept whatever it is God has planned for you (even if it is not what you want) This year I want to remember Jack Ryan Gillham everyday. And to not be sad but to keep it always in my heart and head that great things are happening because of his life (and passing).


I know that I am truly blessed as cliche as that sounds. Both Last year and this new year coming up will be but a moment that comes and goes before I know it. I would like to say I know who I am, that I am confident and sure of myself but I think I learn new things about myself everyday. I have come along way from the unwed teenage mother on welfare to where I am now. And through my mistakes and triumphs I am okay with all of it. It is what it is and I can't change it so I embrace it. I am just going to take it all on. The ride and its bumps will be a wild one, but I am up for it and looking forward to it!
Happy New Year yall!!!!