Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Emory Caron

I remember what I was doing eight years ago today.

I woke up early and made a quick trip to McDonald's (I was craving a sausage biscuit). Scarfed that down while I was on the way to the grocery store. Made a quick run through the junk isle and stocked up (I knew I was gonna be out of commission for awhile).

Then it was off for a haircut real quick. You'd have thought I was Princess Di the way the ladies fussed and fawned over me (yes, I am 32 years old and I said fawned)

After checking off the haircut from the to do list I was ready.....

I arrived at St. Mary's hospital, checked in and 45 short min later I was holding Emory Caron Brewer in my arms. (I might be the only one to think this way, but I really do HEART C-sections)

Now tonight, eight years later I have just finished making an Indian Corn cake for her "On the Farm" themed birthday party tommorrow. The event planner in me had to let go of all control and just let the kid have fun (novel concept huh) We bought farm hats and bandanas instead of goody bags and the kids will get to go on a hay ride and play in the petting zoo.

I think I am as excited as she is...

Cupcakes, Raffia, and Reece's Pieces

Hard at work

Also hard at work,,,eating the supplies

It's the thought that counts right...okay guys, cut me some slack and just pretend that you see some resemblence to Indian Corn here..

Happy Birthday to my girl Diva

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Don said...

Happy Belated Emory.

This post proves that, at times, life is good. Really really good.

Edible supplies are the best as far as children are concerned. Lol.

Small Town Girl said...

Happy Belated Emory.