Ideas to ponder as I get ready for the upcoming Holdiays (because I used to cut and save the articles but I always forget what I did with them) why not stash it here so I can be lazy errr share it with you.
I love the concept of family traditions. The cozy feeling they will (hopefully) get when they recall them years later, the giggly sounds that escape from the dreamer, the diva, and the prince make while we are making them. There really is no better sound in the world than hearing my babies laugh.
This year I pledge to make our holidays calmer, more deliberate in our activities and mindful of the lasting imressions it will afford my kids. I don't want to rush it or force it or have expectations for greatness. I want to revel in each suprise joy and happiness that finds us, no matter how little or fleeting it is.
i digress, on to the ideas...
- Take a small plastic bird and hide it in the tree. The concept is that the finder of the bird will recieve good luck in the coming year. i thought this a fun idea but I am thinking of hiding a small hollow objeect (like an ornament or small box) with a quote or love letter and include one for each of my kids. That way they will all be included and have a very personal holiday greeting just from me (or I could get various family members to write a thought instead)
- While doing our "Dirty Santa" game (who came up with that name anyway) hide decoy gifts into the mix. The decoy gifts will look like normal gifts but will have instructions in them instead of the gift. wrap up things like CD cases, Gift card envelopes and the instructions will say things like "choose a new gift", or "switch gifts with a person of the opposite gender"
- Buy a plain colored tree skirt and each year draw your childrens handprints on the skirt. It is neat to see the way the childrens hands have grown over the years.
I am sure this will continue as I read/plan for the holidays hopefully this time I can remember where I put it :)

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