After being together longer than my two youngest children have been alive, the engagement has been announced. Yippeee! (insert Borat style voice saying NOOOOTTT here please) I am all for sappy romantic stories, I truly do love a good romance (especially cause I dont have one of my own right now to be wrapped up in) but I just don't get the fascination with this couple. They are prim, chic, proper, and private and I only wish they had either waited to announce or had a whirlwhind short engagement....I am truly dreading all the stories that are going to be front and center about Princess Dianna and the comparisons between this wedding and that one, I bet Elton John will write a moving tear jerker and Camilla will wear a horribly ugly hat and look all of the hundred cheating years old that she is..
Since they are not Americans it is not un=patriotic of me to say barf...(not that I would care if it was)
moving on
A story that does make me sad is this one..
can NOONE keep it in their pants anymore? I mean, there really can be no illusions that because you have more money than the average Joe that you have more of a chance of finding the real thing. You do have to work at it, and I'm sure that in Hollywood marriages you have to work even harder. I am a pessimist in most cases when it comes to Hollywood marriages but this one seemed so solid. I do use the word "seemed" loosely cause while reading more closely this is not Tony's first indescretion. How much do you really know about someone you can't possibly ever really know?
What in the heck is going through his mind? I mean, gorgeous, successful, wife who adores and supports every thing you do? hmmm. I would cheat too, who would'nt right??
oh man. I hope tommorrow I am back to being oblivious to what is going on in celeb gossip. the only reason I am so hip to the gossip today can be thanks in part to my sick children at home so we have been camped out in the bed. me on the computer, the Diva and the Prince watching the same.three.movies allll day
funny the first time we watched it, although I had to cleverly come up with an explaination for what fugly, and wasted meant...I think she bought it (who am i kidding I am just waiting for the teacher to send a note home asking me to tell the kid not to call people fugly)
I was so completely clueless, Diva had to fill me in (she has apparently seen all the cartoons and knew what was gonna happen before it happened) i was just excited to get to see Jasper,,,er, Jackson again
I could tolerate both of those movie more than once, but I draw the line at having to wach this over and over and over again, so thankful for a laptop and whoever invented wireless.
Please please please let her be well enough to go to school tommorrow....

1 comment:
Agreed. Tony Parker alledged cheating on Eva Longoria just didn't seem possible. I mean, it did, but then again, it didn't. Who cheats on Eva Longoria? Why, for a better question.
Then, I read where the other woman is the wife of one of his former teammates.
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