Thursday, November 04, 2010

Friday funnies...

cause even though is is still my Thursday night, technically, it's everyone else's Friday morning..

the kid is on day five (as of Thursday-- give me tommorrow and it'll be day 6) of wearing this costume. Which I am soooo thankful for, it justifies how much I spent on that stupid pleather jacket and makes it all okay...

I should not be posting this but it was so funny I could not help but tell the story. Emory was practicing her Kook Sol and "accidentally" (or so I hope) kicked her brother you know where. He fell to the ground in mock agony and screamed in his "check me out, you should think I am cute" voice and says "oh snap, she kicked me in the nuts"

ummmm....I did not even know that my four year old knew.what NUTS were..and I don't think I like that word coming out of his mouth...what did I get myself into??

I took Kaileigh to the ER on Monday (stupid staph infection on her leg) and the nurse says to me "and who are you?" to which I look at him, we both laugh and I say "I'm her mother" and his response..

"Good job"

I had to think that this was funny because it is the typical response I get, I mean, it's not like I was 15 when I had her but most of her classmates have parents that don't look like they are old enough to be her we both laughed at him. but I am sitting here wondering what "good job" means???

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1 comment:

Leah said...

Awww...Luv little Michael Jackson!