here is the concept
Pick from a list of prompts. Write about said prompts and post on Thursday
simple enough huh? you'd think I could manage to do that once a week huh...but no, like I said. slacker.
but I digress, I'm owning it and moving on. here are this weeks prompts (settle in, she said I could pick more than one)
The Prompts:
1.) Look up a favorite childhood actor and tell us where they are now. (inspired by Missy from The Marketing Mama)
I used to get lost in TV land. I have always been a bit of a dreamer and if I wasn't pretending to BE the actor (female) I was in love with em (male). Here are some all time favs..
I especially LOVED Fergie (who was Stacie Ferguson at the time) and Martika (who went on to record "Toy Soldiers" as an older solo act and later on Jennifer Hewitt (who went by Love Hewitt at the time)
*sidenote- I get so distracted when doing posts like this, makes me have to go back and look up all the random things I had forgotten (like the "Toy Soldiers" video I have playing right now in the background as I am typing. ugh! I think I am ADD......
anyhow, more of my fav child actors/actress have been
my "first" couple infatuation...I wanted to BE Brenda and I definately just knew that Dylan was the boy for me.
and here is why...ugh. the angst
2.) A post you regret publishing.
This one is not a clever answer, no cutesy pictures and it is one of the few times I let myself use the delete button. I regret posting when I am emotional when it comes to my birthmother. I say the first thing that comes to mind (usually with the help of some liquid courage) and what should be a private growing process becomes online for all to read. I have never had to censor myself before, so this newfound maturity of holding my tongue and taking the time to think of what my words may mean to the other person is one that I am growing into. I have often said I need one of these on my phone and my computer when I drink
okay I lied, I just made a funny...
3.) A hair disaster. (are you kidding me, my hair changes weekly and to prove it, pics dont lie)as you can see no color is off limits, no tool unused in my quest to explore the one avenue of my life that I truly CAN control....
4.) If you had made a career out of whatever you were passionate about when you were ten…what would you be doing?
It's been fun. Thanks for hanging in there to the end of my post... now it's time for me to put this boy in bed before they take away my parent card (not really, if they havent done it by now I think I'm safe)

I am SO PROUD of you for doing the WW on time!!! I should start today - but alas i have to make lunches for my children because even though I pumped their hot lunch accounts full of $$ in an attempt to carve out fifteen minutes more of sleep for myself, they INSIST that home made lunches are better.
anyways. I am going to try to get to it. I love how you hit so many fun topics in one wham-bam post! Awesome!
And I hope all your wildest cabdriving poetry writing singing dreams come true!
Thank you so much for your awesome words on my blog post this morning - about my love for my kids showing through. I cannot tell you how much that is boosting my spirit right now!
Sounds like a great idea that could make for some very entertaining blog posts such as this one.
Doesn't it seem like we share a certain connection to our childhood stars? Even when Gary Coleman passed away I felt a sense of grief and all I recall Coleman from was the show Different Strokes.
I love The Outsiders so I knew who Matt Dillon from that great movie and book. Not to mention Rumble Fish.
A singing cab driver? Lol. What's that all about? For some reason I had always wanted to be a sports journalist or "one of the men who discussed football on Sundays."
Nice pics, Wendy. Very nice.
And you tackled 3 prompts...I struggle with just one. Awesome.
oops tackled 4 prompts. Even more awesome.
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