Wednesday, February 02, 2011

It's MY birthday

i struggled with what to say today. i choose to not acknowledge you in a way that you KNOW that i am ignoring you. that usually i would write you and think of you and other than this post...i have not...

i am not going to respond to your post other than to say i read it and you hurt me. you opened wounds that were starting to heal and you made new ones that run so deep. i know someday i will forgive you but right now....i have no desire to.

today was a GREAT DAY..


Anonymous said...

My darling Wendy, Don't ever allow anyone to criticize you for blogging. Simply consider the source. Ignorant and petty people do ignorant and petty things. Your blogs are yours, and if anyone is bothered by what they read they should refrain from further reading. Its a matter of choice. Personally, I think you are a talented writer. Write on sweet Wendy, write on ! XXX Aunt J.

Don said...

Awesome post.

The quote on happiness is golden.

Don said...

Also, I believe you to be a talented writer as well. And I believe you should continue to blog the manner in which YOU enjoy.

You see I do. Lol.