fter visiting family in Boston in the middle of a snowstorm, i can say i finally get the concept of a snow days...
not that we dont get the occasional one around here..
today being one of them. so what do you do when you are snowed in and school has no hope of opening back up for awhile and your kids aredriving you nuts behaving so nicely?
you take them outto freeze and possibly get pnemonia
in this case we used an old water ski disc that i found somewhere last year and an old fashioned sled that my dad had up in the attic.
four adults (me, T, Nik and Benny) and 9 kids (Kai,Ree, Ike, Laynee, Lucas, Peyton, Jeremiah, Braxton and Stephanie) piled up in our cars and we descended upon Bell Park
Isaiah is all ready to go. Oversized sunglasses and mismatched gloves and all
by the way the kids slept last night they had a lot of fun releasing some energy. i must admit the adults in the group did too. Getting together with the people you love is really important i think. This is the stuff my kids will remember. Me actively participating in their childhood.
i will admit though, at 5 o'clock when the school called to let me know that class had been canceled for tommorrow as well i had a smh moment....
let me end this post now, i need to look back on my pictures from Boston and remind myself that it could be worse....this too shall thaw

not that we dont get the occasional one around here..
today being one of them. so what do you do when you are snowed in and school has no hope of opening back up for awhile and your kids are
you take them out
in this case we used an old water ski disc that i found somewhere last year and an old fashioned sled that my dad had up in the attic.
four adults (me, T, Nik and Benny) and 9 kids (Kai,Ree, Ike, Laynee, Lucas, Peyton, Jeremiah, Braxton and Stephanie) piled up in our cars and we descended upon Bell Park
Isaiah is all ready to go. Oversized sunglasses and mismatched gloves and all
me and Kai
of course little mama is taking care of "her" baby
hold on tight little brother
NIki and Braxton (with Kaileigh and Stephanie in the back having a snow ball fight)
me and Nik...this girl has been my friend since we were 17
Niki's first time on a sled
a little bumpier than she thought....
the pansies kids had to get into the car to warm up
Trisha, me and Niki (Bell Park)
this is the park that we used to come to in high school. it has seen many hookups, breakups, school skipping, donut driving, tears cried and laughs. very neat to be bringing my kids here now to make memories of their own
Braxton got a little too big for his britches with the snowball throwing so Benny had to show him what was up
we have MANY pictures like this. us in the front, town in the back
Benny, T, Jeremiah and Peyton
by the way the kids slept last night they had a lot of fun releasing some energy. i must admit the adults in the group did too. Getting together with the people you love is really important i think. This is the stuff my kids will remember. Me actively participating in their childhood.
i will admit though, at 5 o'clock when the school called to let me know that class had been canceled for tommorrow as well i had a smh moment....
let me end this post now, i need to look back on my pictures from Boston and remind myself that it could be worse....this too shall thaw

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