If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
lately i have had to go back and delete, go back and delete. Sometimes things just don't have to be said despite the overwhelming urge to do so. i have always had a hard time holding my tongue and if i am truly going to work on this i should prob start now.
i wish there was a block in blogland like there is on facebook. That i could block just specific people and it would be as if they were not even alive to me. i choose to leave my blog public for many reasons, but that is not without its downfalls.
i have had a hard couple of days i will admit. Well, it started on my birthday and has lasted up until now. i am trying to work through this (and havent been doing such a good job lately). That stops today.
i am going to just.let.go.

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