Today i went to lunch with two of my best girl friends, Amanda and Tracy. we celebrated our birthdays because they are all around this time of year. i had made Tracy a scrapbook and at her party a couple of weeks ago i had everyone there sign it. i didnt give it to her then, because i had included some Annie memories but that night was so emotional that i decided to wait to give it to her. Amanda got me a beautiful cross necklace with my birthstone in the middle and different color stones around it. who doesnt like getting gifts. i got to put some thought into what i am gonna get her, her birthday is not until the 24 so i have some time...
lunch was great. i still havnt decided what is better...roots or wings? but i am learning that i dont have to choose just one, i can learn to appreciate and use both...
Elaine came over and we plotted planned our next caper (a friend from Jr. High is having a birthday party this Saturday and we are both going)
i am so lucky to have such great friends, true friends, that have known me all of my life...
No lie or half truth, this past year has been my hardest. Choices I have made and reactions to situations i found myself in made it harder and it's not completely over yet and won't be for some time.
But i am so happy to find myself back in school to finish my degree. i started this journey almost two years ago, and i had to put it on hold when i got myself into trouble in it's been a long over 6 months of non-productivity for me. i admit i was not sure i had it in me TO finish or if circumstances would work out financially so that i has
so next Thursday i will begin "Childrens Literature in a Pluralistic Society" very psyched because any kind of lit class is an easy task for me. So ready to get back to the papers, the reading, the discussion with an adult about something other than Michael Jackson and who's turn it is to do the dishes....
i also have decided to change my major. i will stay where i am long enough to bring up my GPA and get back on track with my financial aid then transfer from Fayetteville to a school closer to home and change my major to Creative Writing/Journalism.
you don't need a peice of paper to tell you that you are a writer you just are. and i am. i love the process of writing, need it, want to hone my craft.
this year is about realizing my potential. or at least attempting to find my happy place. Why go through all the sacrifice and hard work unless it is for something you really love. and this is what i really love.

lunch was great. i still havnt decided what is better...roots or wings? but i am learning that i dont have to choose just one, i can learn to appreciate and use both...
Elaine came over and we
i am so lucky to have such great friends, true friends, that have known me all of my life...
No lie or half truth, this past year has been my hardest. Choices I have made and reactions to situations i found myself in made it harder and it's not completely over yet and won't be for some time.
But i am so happy to find myself back in school to finish my degree. i started this journey almost two years ago, and i had to put it on hold when i got myself into trouble in it's been a long over 6 months of non-productivity for me. i admit i was not sure i had it in me TO finish or if circumstances would work out financially so that i has
so next Thursday i will begin "Childrens Literature in a Pluralistic Society" very psyched because any kind of lit class is an easy task for me. So ready to get back to the papers, the reading, the discussion with an adult about something other than Michael Jackson and who's turn it is to do the dishes....
i also have decided to change my major. i will stay where i am long enough to bring up my GPA and get back on track with my financial aid then transfer from Fayetteville to a school closer to home and change my major to Creative Writing/Journalism.
you don't need a peice of paper to tell you that you are a writer you just are. and i am. i love the process of writing, need it, want to hone my craft.
this year is about realizing my potential. or at least attempting to find my happy place. Why go through all the sacrifice and hard work unless it is for something you really love. and this is what i really love.

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