Cause I wrote my last post-
post a glass or three of wine and my life is such a barrel of laughs that the good times just keep on coming I had some more to add to that sentiment (you know, things that I thought were funny...on friday)
* today (while of course wearing his Michael Shackson Halloween costume) my four year old, the prince and I were watching old Mickey Mouse cartoons and one came on with Chip N Dale in it. He asked me what their names were (Are our children THAT uneducated that they don't know who Chip N Dale is,,,,WTH? sorry, but I HATE "modern day" cartoons like Spongebob-don't get me started)
anyhoo, he looks at me when the cartoon is over and adoringly says "I jush jub Chicken Bell" to which I replied "I jush lub me some Isaiah"
*I read a party invitation that read "YOUR INVITED TO AN AWESOME PARTY"
as in, I am so uncreative and afraid that no kid will come to my kids party that I am gonna use the word "Awesome" and pretend that is gonna be an attention grabber....I just wanted to RSVP and say, I would respect you waaaaay more if you would just say "your invited" simple, plain, to the point.
NOT cornball, NOT desperate, my kids is NOT coming....
I wanted to tell her that it was blaringly obvious that she was a new parent (of a second grader) and that she needs to learn a few very beneficial facts if she wants to keep her sanity. A.) kids birthday parties SUCK. B.) you plan too hard and realize at the end you could have blown up six balloons and give them all noise makers and cake and they would be in heaven C.) In the end you have to just trust... kids will come, and your kid will have a blast because it is all about them....
I am telling myself this, because my own child will be having a birthday in a few weeks and I am sending out invites next week, and DANGIT..they will NOT say "you are invited to an AWESOME party"
*I have no kids tonight...and did I go case the bars? go to the High School Football game with my friends (come on, I live in a very small town and that is what you do on a friday night here) nope
my friday funny is that I spent the night with my parents......AT WAL-MART
oh sheesh I am getting old. We spent two hours there...yes, I said two! I am overjoyed to report that I found the PERFECT home alone, no kids, get to eat all of whatever it is I fix to eat so it better be good food...See I usually pick the Jalep. cream cheese stuffed thingeys from TGIFridays...but i hate the peppers so I end up peeling the batter back to rip out and throw away the pepper. I know it's like crab legs, all that work and little payoff.
BUT...tonight I found a batter filled cheese thingey with the TASTE of pepper ....cue angels singing ahhhhhhh and the white light of heavenly bliss.
and I ate the whole box (all 7 of em) yum!
okay, not really funny but it made my night so cut me some slack (you know, like I should have cut the mommy that sent that horrible birthday invite)
okay, Happy friday night people!