Monday, April 13, 2009

Friend Making Mondays

Welcome to another Monday full of Makin' Friends! Aren't friends great!?

You can go Here for info and the rules of FMM. I hope you will join us to make some bloggin' friends. Because believe me: There is no better place to make some great ones than right here at FMM! Can I get an AMEN!

It's been awhile since i did a "normal" post instead of my i'm getting divorced angst posts. So this is a nice break. Now onto the topic.

What is the Best Advice someone has ever given you? You can share one or as many as you want. Just Share!:

Here's mine:

One day while riding in the car, my 6 yr old (who was 4 at the time, i think) asked me if i remembered what the yellow care bears name was. i asked her "don't you remember?" and she said, "no, i don't have a very good remembery", but that's okay if you don't remember all the stuff all the time, right?

i am applying that now. i don't have to remember all the little things, it's the big things that count. like how i felt raising Kaileigh on my own all those years ago, the pride that i could do it without a man (cause look what happens when you get one of those huh? LOL)

and how i feel this enormous swell of awe at how intelligent, funny and creative Emory is. how everyone loves her and just wants to be around her cause she is so dang funny.

and i could never forget the flutters my heart makes when Isaiah comes up to kiss my cheek or the cute things he says (like "no Hobby mommy" when i want him to sit on the potty"

those are the things i choose to remember.

and i love this quote that someone gave me as a form of advice. it rocks!

“I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will.”
Edward Everett Hale

i am ending with a quote i have heard a zillion times best describing the philosophy of my god baby mama (long story, that's another post)

she says "if you do what youve always done, you'll get what you always got"

aint that the truth

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Rhonda said...

Hey Wendy! How are you? Great it! Maybe that is why I am still stuck at _____ lbs...I always do what I've always done!

Hmmmm!! Love it!
Have a great week!

Tanielle said...

Great advice! Thanks for sharing. Love the quotes, I gotta write them down!

Have a good night!


Christie in Dallas, TX said...

Great pieces of advice. Thanks for sharing those wonderful moments you've chosen to remember!

jennykate77 said...

I love both quotes! My pastor always used to say that...if continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always got. It's so so true!

Hope you have a great day!