Tuesday, April 07, 2009

im gonna be alright

work is great! i can't believe that i waited so long to just walk away and do what i love all along. i love being a teacher. being in an office was never me, it was what the me i thought everyone wanted me to be would be.
i am greeted every morning with hugs and smiles and eyes that light up, because they get to spend the day with me. and i find myself halfway through my ten hour day feeling tired. until i feel a set of five year old arms wrapping themselves around my waist and saying those precious words "i love you ms. wendy"
how do you top that?

making tons of money is so over-rated! making yourself feel that you are doing something worthwhile and touching a life is not!

kinda makes the whole upcoming issue of moving, going through a divorce and uprooting my family seem not important. those are things i cannot change. what i can change is my attitude (and my drinking habits) :)

so for tonight, if only for tonight, i am just fine.....

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