In order from 5 to 1 here goes. Keeping in mind I totally stick to character so I will refer to them as how i see them in my fantasies people....
NUMBER 5 is Travis Barker
yes, I know he is completely covered in tattoos and looks like he has not showered in days, but I am kindof into that in some unexplained way. plus, i have always liked a bad guy with attitude and I loved "Meet the Barkers"

NUMBER 4 is Lucas Scott
Even though in real life Chad Michael Murray is a two timer who prefers 19 year old girls remember I said I STAY IN CHARACTER and Lucas Scott loves Peyton and is a good guy at heart, and he is a writer...how hot is that :)

NUMBER 3 is JASON MORGAN from General Hospital
Okay, so he is not with Sam which is a HUGE reason I fast forward through most of my DVR'd episodes stopping only for the scenes with the two of them in it. They are supposed to get back together so my faith in soaps will be restored if and when that happens.....

NUMBER 2 was really hard for me. I feel a little torn here guys. but i am going to go with EDWARD CULLEN
Notice that once again it is all about the character. I love this mysterious smooth intense creature. Rob, not so much.

NUMBER ONE may seem an odd choice, but it's JOHN MAYER
I have this thing for a man that can sing. I think it is admirable that I chose a not so hot guy as my number one. My baby's godmother will appreciate that in ways that might allow her to forgive my other choices (ha ha, huh Syard) I just have this thing for the singing my own angst thing. might be the depression talking, but I have the songs "comfortable" and "in repair" on repeat right now

so there you have it, my top 5. i think i am seeing a disturbing pattern in guys i am attracted to right now. and it is kind of scaring me.......
I totally agree with the comment about the character Edward Cullen. However, I do like RP as Cedric Diggory.
John Mayer is a good one.
i love general hospital! i watch it everyday. jason is a cutie!
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