So I am actually going to get to post a Friend Making Monday post ON Monday!!! I feel accomplished (until I look at my messy house and to do list that is) but anyway, back to FMM. If you don't know what Friend Making Monday is visit here and Kasey over at ALL THAT IS GOOD will fill you in.
This is how it goes:
“5 Senses Tag”
We are to list 4 things we love, and one thing we dislike, for each category.
1. Yankee Candles, the clean scents that is (flowery scents, not so much)
2.Newly lotioned up baby skin
3. Fresh air coming in through my windows (until my allergies kick in and I am sneezing, blowing my nose, and convinicing my kids no mommy is not crying)
4. Going over to my mom and dad's and walking into their closet and smelling one of them. Sounds weird I know but it is such a comforting familiar smell and as I get older I really appreciate and miss that feeling.
1. How my kids smell like a wet dog after they have played really hard
1. My son's baby blankets. The chenille-ee feeling ones with the silk on one side and the bumps of the raised material on the other. Especially when he is in my lap and I am rocking him to sleep.
2. The feel of water when you get to go swimming for the first time in summer
3. I love to play in the rain (especially in the evening when I have had a long day) It feels good to not care, to just let the rain fall on me and dance or spin or jump on the trampoline (okay, so that sounds very immature I know)
4. Clean Sheets. I love when I put fresh sheets on the bed and then crawl in...it's the best!
1. Cleaning the sink after washing very dirty dishes. I can't even telling you what looking at all the food wet, squishy and mixed together does to me. UGH
1. Hearing a small child mispronounce (sp?) a word.
2. The sound of my children's laughter. You know, the big belly laugh
3. Rain (are we seeing a pattern here) on my window
4. A slow sweet song that means something to me
1. This is a tie between whining and the sound of electricity flowing through the light bulbs in a public place (like the health department or when I was in Jr. High)
1. strawberry banana smoothies from Sonic
2. Cottage cheese
3. homemade mashed potatos with lots of butter and sour cream and cheese
4. Dr. Pepper after I have not had any to drink for awhile
1. peas. vomit!!!!!
1. grass, leaves, flowers, anything that grows newly in Spring
2. sunsets, stars, clouds and rain
3. half off or buy one get one free signs
4. My kids when they do something for the first time, especially when they figure it out on their own
1. Harm done to children. It breaks my heart (even if it is fictional in the movies) I think that is the worst thing you could ever do, hurt a child
There you have it! All 5 Senses covered: Good and the bad!
This is how it goes:
“5 Senses Tag”
We are to list 4 things we love, and one thing we dislike, for each category.
1. Yankee Candles, the clean scents that is (flowery scents, not so much)
2.Newly lotioned up baby skin
3. Fresh air coming in through my windows (until my allergies kick in and I am sneezing, blowing my nose, and convinicing my kids no mommy is not crying)
4. Going over to my mom and dad's and walking into their closet and smelling one of them. Sounds weird I know but it is such a comforting familiar smell and as I get older I really appreciate and miss that feeling.
1. How my kids smell like a wet dog after they have played really hard
1. My son's baby blankets. The chenille-ee feeling ones with the silk on one side and the bumps of the raised material on the other. Especially when he is in my lap and I am rocking him to sleep.
2. The feel of water when you get to go swimming for the first time in summer
3. I love to play in the rain (especially in the evening when I have had a long day) It feels good to not care, to just let the rain fall on me and dance or spin or jump on the trampoline (okay, so that sounds very immature I know)
4. Clean Sheets. I love when I put fresh sheets on the bed and then crawl in...it's the best!
1. Cleaning the sink after washing very dirty dishes. I can't even telling you what looking at all the food wet, squishy and mixed together does to me. UGH
1. Hearing a small child mispronounce (sp?) a word.
2. The sound of my children's laughter. You know, the big belly laugh
3. Rain (are we seeing a pattern here) on my window
4. A slow sweet song that means something to me
1. This is a tie between whining and the sound of electricity flowing through the light bulbs in a public place (like the health department or when I was in Jr. High)
1. strawberry banana smoothies from Sonic
2. Cottage cheese
3. homemade mashed potatos with lots of butter and sour cream and cheese
4. Dr. Pepper after I have not had any to drink for awhile
1. peas. vomit!!!!!
1. grass, leaves, flowers, anything that grows newly in Spring
2. sunsets, stars, clouds and rain
3. half off or buy one get one free signs
4. My kids when they do something for the first time, especially when they figure it out on their own
1. Harm done to children. It breaks my heart (even if it is fictional in the movies) I think that is the worst thing you could ever do, hurt a child
There you have it! All 5 Senses covered: Good and the bad!
I couldn't agree with you more on the dislike I have when people harm kids!
Your blog is super cute!
Happy Monday! :)
Oh my, walking into your parents closets and smelling their clothes made me tear up. That is so true and sweet. Glad you love Lisa Hannigan and Damien Rice too! Your blog is so cute!
Love your list...especially the Dr. Pepper!
And I agree with you...sweaty kids stink!
Hope you're having and awesome monday!
I totaly agree with your answers Wendy.. I love your blog so much you make me laugh you make me cry you just make me happy love ya girl.. I hope things are getting better for you..
I love the baby skin after it has been all lathered up with J & J lotion!!
Fun list. Hope you have a great week!
Hey Wendy,
Playing in the rain...FUN! I haven't done that in a LONG time...not immature...just a fun spirit!
Vomit...ugh the worse!
I enjoyed your list! Have a great week!
Wonderful lists!!! I love the rain, it is so refreshing and beautiful!!!
Have a wonderful night!
I love to play in the rain with my daughter -- we love to get on the trampoline and to jump in puddles. So much fun!
I love the swimming one...I can't wait for our pool to open. One more month!
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