Tuesday, April 21, 2009

colors in Spanish and snot nose kids

Today i was at work, preschool graduation is coming up and we are busy getting ready for the singing of the colors in Spanish, and counting from 5 to 100 by 5's and who could forget "see you later alligator, see you later friends of mine, we had a great year give a BIG cheer, we sure had an awesome time" (sung to Ol my darlin).

all those things that make parents think their kids are ready for kindergarten. And don't get me wrong, my kids are ready (most of them anyway) I am not too sure about the glue eating, nose picking, give me that toy or i will hit you with a wooden block bully but that is another story. Is it wrong of me to wish that one of these days one of the kids grows some cahonas and just whacks him up the side of the head with the wooden xylophone sticks???

bad teacher bad!!!

Anyway, back to my day. We were filling out the ALL ABOUT ME papers that will go on my bulletin board with cute little cap and gown pictures and I had one of those moments that made me completely tear up. I will admit, I have a favorite. This petite little boy that looks like he is 3 years old he is so small, but has a beautiful face that reminds me of Isaiah is my favorite. His name is Abhinar (pronounced ABI, dont know how that is possible but that is how they say it) He speaks with an accident, his family is from India. I just love the heck out of him. He is so adorable. He speaks with a stutter and his volume is so soft you have to bend down to hear him. And maybe that is why he likes me, because I alwasy bend down and let him talk, however long it takes. anyway, we were filling out his page and we got to the question "What is you favorite things about coming to school" and he said
"my teacher"

Well, I have not been there that long so I thought he meant my aide (who has been there awhile) or the floater that comes into the room cause they all love Mr. Johnny. and then he looked up at me with those big brown eyes and sad clearly "YOU"
I teard up. I was just so taken aback. I tried to get him to name several other things "don't you wanna put Ashton (his BFF) or the blocks or the big slide outside?" no, he said, you.

Can you beat that?

Not for one second do I take for granted that I get to go to work and teach 28 most prized posessions. I spend more time with them than their own parents do if you think about it. And I would be heartbroken if I thought my kids were sitting in the back of a room somewhere alone and pushed away.

So even if they are snotty, stinky, mean, dirty, potty mouthed, telling me they hate me and don't have to listen to me because I am not their momma I am gonna give them a hug (and trust me, sometimes I do want to shower afterwards but they deserve it, they are just kids and deserve love too)

okay, that sounded not so nice but it is the brutal truth from your childs preschool teacher. We do notice if their pants are too small and their nose is covered in snot. but we love them anyway!!!!

my rant is done, my day was good, tommorrow is my day off (thank heavens, those kids were horrible today)

goodnight yall,

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1 comment:

Christie in Dallas, TX said...

Ah, that brought tears to my eyes! What a great moment to drown out all of the other less-than-Hallmark moments!

Thanks for your comment tonight -- can't wait to "pay it forward"! I'll let you know when everything is coming your way!
