I wonder..... if I will ever be able to explain to my babies why some peoples babies don't live. We have been following the daily updates on Baby Liam Lyon and it broke my heart to know that his little heart stopped beating last night. It reminded me of Jack, and Leighton and how truly precious life is. I stopped screaming at my own kids for a second and hugged them so tight (I think they must have been thinking I was hitting a crack pipe or something but oh well, won't be the last time they think that)
I wonder.....if you can mend fences, rebuild bridges, turn a new leaf, dust yourself off and try again (insert your own cheesy analogy here) I really hope so. I have always leaned on the side of optimism so I am willing to stay sidewise for awhile if that means I can fix some of the mistakes I myself made..It's been very humbling to stop talking and whining long enough to realize that I am not as blameless as I like to defend myself to be. Understanding why I did it is not the same as saying I am very.truly.sorry.
and I am
I wonder..... when my son grew up from the little momma's boy that he was last week to the big boy he is now. Some Isaiah cuteness this week includes:
"look mom I have abs"
Isaiah had Evan, his BFF spend the night on Saturday and the next morning when the boys were eating pancakes at the table this was our conversation... Me: "boys, if you are talking you can't be eating" Evan: "I can talk and eat at the same time" and while pointing at me with his fork MY son says "Not in this house you can't"
made me fall in love with him all over again.....HE DOES LISTEN!!!
and this was the cutest picture of all...both my boys working on Isaiah's homework together...I think I might have teared up a minute, until I realized how much they would roll their eyes and make fun of me for it so I went back to the dishes.
I wonder.....if YOU will ever know that I do genuinely love you, pray for you and think about you....wherever you are and I hope that you are well and happy and healthy. Sometimes it is nice to just push pause for a second and let someone know your there..Thank you for thinking of me too.....

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