Monday, August 13, 2012

Now she can sing Taylor Swift"s "15 and mean it

OH MY! I'm not sure where the other 14 years went but my baby is a freshmen. August 7, 1997 this is what I came home with

Very proud of the young lady she is growing up to be, and the things she is dealing with and doing it with grace and strength. Don't get me wrong, we fight in a way that is not healthy and probably should be reported to the proper authorities...But that is what you get when you have a mother and daughter who have had to grow up together (except she's moving at a faster pace than I am)

I wasn't sure how this year would go. Last year she celebrated her birthday with most of her family at the lake and this year it's just been me. Leon has been gone 8 months and this was just one of the many things he will miss out on. I didn't want her to not acknowledge how she feels missing him but I wanted her day to be special and about her and not about him being gone. So we did cry a few tears but we had more laughs and hugs then tears. I am grateful for the amazing family I have and the friends that have stepped up and surrounded her with love. I am constantly asked how I do it and I just reply I don't do anything but love my daughter...which I do with all my heart... I think she overall had a good birthday week (cause we celebrated with not one but two cakes...)

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