Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This is a fun post that I didnt get around to doing last week so I am gonna do it now... The idea came from 
here, and here, and one more.....here.  This one is work edition...here we go


Have Pandora playing somewhere (either on my phone or my computer) i hate silence, much to the chagrin of the lady in the office next to me. Me being bipolar she might be subjected to Marilyn Monroe show tunes or Marilyn Manson slasher songs...poor tolerant JoAnn
Get excited when it is office supply ordering day. There is nothing like the smell of white out or making those squiggles on a scratch piece of paper so that your brand new Sharpie pen will work and don't get me started on how I feel about the way the stamp holder looks when you only have a few stamps left. You can't just leave the empty paper hanging and if you rip it too close to the end of the roll it wont be a roll anymore it just sort of curls up there sad and ugly looking
Have some article laying around that does not belong on my desk (exhibit A..sons swim goggles from last week that i am just too lazy to take home so swamped at work that i just dont have the time to put them in my bag. I do need to remember to take his homework home though he might need that)


I can see the top of my desk..not this day, but sometimes I can see it

Pretend that I have been here...or that I will be here someday. This hangs on my wall (with approved tape so as to not make the paint peel) and I may or may not have posted this on my boyfriends facebook wall a time or three to remind him...lest he forget
I have been known to scream out random cuss words if I lose a round at Song Pop. Our patients prob think someone working in the back has tourettes but nope, sadly, it's just me...( think I am reigning champ in the Ultimate 90"s and Love Songs categories)


Have my filing caught up on..I hate filing and I'd rather go out into the clinic and collect urine samples (well, maybe not urine samples but I am sure there is something I could have more fun doing than filing)

Thought I would be labeled the toilet paper nazi but it is a title I inherited from my predecessor. The cleaning lady steals our toilet paper therefore it stays locked up in my  office and she has to come and ask me for rolls each time we get low...

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