While stalking reading this super cute blog I follow I stumbled upon something fun I wanted to try....It's called Always Sometimes Never, and I could bore you with the explanation but your a smart crew just keep reading you'll get the gist.......

Walmart Visa Cards
ALWAYS-make sure the person loading the card has an IQ above your five your old
SOMETIMES- you need to have a cold beer before calling the helpline for actual help (or an English speaking/understanding operator)
NEVER- try to use a card with an expired date
ALWAYS-make sure your iphone is charged so you have something to do when the first time parent next to you starts asking asinine questions
SOMETIMES - it's a good idea to have a glass of wine before you go so you can get through the redundant episode
NEVER-bring small children. I mean it. if you get nothing out of this post please take my advice. Just because we are parents we don't want to listen to your brat super sweet bundle of joy screaming or breaking classroom toys that our tax dollars will have to replace...*true story
ALWAYS- am so proud of him when he puts on his army uniform. I never saw myself as an army family but now that I am in one it's all camo and black and gold for us.
SOMETIMES- I think we are in competition to be the next Duggar family. we have SEVEN count them SEVEN kids between us...
NEVER- will I get used to the smell of his gas. It doesn't matter what I cook it's always nauseous and I always have to ask if he needs to be seen by a doctor for any stomach ailments..
have to say their names in order like a song so I won't forget or leave
one out. It's like the 50 states or names of the president or the
spelling of Mississippi. if you can just spout it off without thinking
your a rockstar...me? I'm more like a roadie
SOMETIMES- I wonder why one or both of us didnt run like hell when we realized how many kids we have between us
would I trade or wish away a single one of them. KAILEIGH, EMORY,
AYDEN, ISAIAH, EMMA BAILEY AND AJ are our world and each one of them
bring something that completes our family.
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