It's been a busy last few weeks for us here in Arkansas. I am back in the swing of things at school and really enjoying all of the English classes they are piling on me. I love the journey and the chance to follow it. A college education is something I never saw in my future so I am so appreciative that at least this time, I didnt mess it up so bad it's not an attainable goal.
Work is good. Bonding with the fam is kindof surreal but gratifying all the same. Never thought I would be working with both my parents and my brother but it's been nice.
and now, on to the fun stuff. the babies are doing great, thriving really. Kaileigh is running track and getting ready for next year on her cheerleading team. Emory takes hip hop and jazz dance and softball and little man, well he just has our hearts more every single day.
Today was Emory's first softball game that I got to watch. Her real first first game was last night but I had school so my parents took her. It was great! She was made the catcher and of course she was a stunner. Throw in that my two best friends kids are on the same teams and the night was full of laughs and great pics...
Go Yankees
Team Braxton

Work is good. Bonding with the fam is kindof surreal but gratifying all the same. Never thought I would be working with both my parents and my brother but it's been nice.
and now, on to the fun stuff. the babies are doing great, thriving really. Kaileigh is running track and getting ready for next year on her cheerleading team. Emory takes hip hop and jazz dance and softball and little man, well he just has our hearts more every single day.
Today was Emory's first softball game that I got to watch. Her real first first game was last night but I had school so my parents took her. It was great! She was made the catcher and of course she was a stunner. Throw in that my two best friends kids are on the same teams and the night was full of laughs and great pics...
this has become a ritual. to take pics in the car before we go somewhere...
Lil Divas and partners in crimes
Go Yankees
me and Laynee and Emory
Team Braxton
Me and Nik
BGC official fan club :)
She loves the grill on this helmet...
hanging out