~Wishes that YSTB would call...
~Wishes that my kids would leave my reusable bags alone (you know, the bags that they sell for a buck so that you won't have to use plastic bags) I have them in the very back of my truck FOR A REASON...and it's not to hold sweaty DC tennis shoes or Little Pet Shop dolls or rocks...ugh. If I were to get in my mom's stuff I would have pinch marks visible to remind me to stay the hell away
~Wishes that BodyPump class at my gym did not make me feel like I'd been to BodyPulp
~Wishes that everyone loved the songs "Electric Feel" and "I Don't Believe You" as much as I do
~Wishes that my library fine would mysteriously disappear..I mean, sheesh, I brought the dang book back in one piece sans chocolate stains and folded down pages marking where I left off
~Wishes my chin would clear up and that zits would go AWAY...I mean, I am 32 NOT 12 and enough already
~Wishes my kids bird Jonas would stop dropping poop and bird seed thingys all over my dresser. How did I end up with the pile of feathers anyway? Oh yeah, cause my youngest kid wants to choke the poor innocent animal if I would let him...What was I thinking? like 4 dogs, 2 fish and 3 kids was not enough for me to take care of...
~Wishes my benedryl would work and I could go to sleep..or at least allow me to breathe. I am not picky
Okay, so this was a little more than 3 wishes. What can I say...I'm a dreamer.
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