25i hate to capitolize my i's for some reason. not sure why.i'm sure there is some psychological reason behind it (i.e. low self esteem) but really i think i am just lazy
24despite my divorce i still believe in love. still know it's out there and KNOW that i will find my happily ever after.....at least i hope so.
23seperates my skittles (or any colored candy for that reason) by same color and eats them in two's. i roll down the window (cause i really only eat candy in the car for some reason) and throw the oddball out..
22Am still waiting for Tupac to release a video from some random South African country where he has been in hiding surrounded by lots of "pimps,ho's,and greatness" the alternative is just too sad.
21Not saying she is a ho but I just KNOW that Aaliyah is with Tupac. Writing sweet music and making a gaggle of babies. Think how pretty those babies would be..
20Wonders why every dang car i pass on the road is a old red Dodge...or at least why i ONLY notice the old red Dodges, and the green ones, and the black ones. Who notices Dodges?
19Wonders how you can form such a strong attachment with people you have never met? I have this one chick, who is blood, but if i don't talk to her EVERYDAY i feel off. That tangible connection to all things Wendy i guess, never had that before and now that i am experiencing it i see what the fuss is about. connections, communication, family is really what it is all about
18is really getting sick of talk of the health care reform bill. i get it that you are upset and that you dont agree. but don't send me an email with a picture of toilet paper with Obama on it talking about toilet paper with shit already on it...come on now. THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN BY THE WAY
17wishes we as a society had more to talk about than Sandra Bullock, Tiger Woods, sightings of Brangelina's million kids and Ricky Martin being gay. I am all for celebrity gossip. Have people.com on my phone for quick reference. But i read it while i'm going to the bathroom or at some governent office and i am sick of it being deemed NEWS.... let's talk about something else for a change
16Wishes that as a stipulation for employment in a government office you have to have experience in whatever you are the case worker for.. (i.e. welfare for food stamp workers, unemployment for unemployment case workers) a little compassion people. SOME of us are not there cause we want to be!!
15is a huge Twilight fan, dont get me wrong. but do we really NEED another Twilight book? Think Superman, 48 hours, Weekend at Bernies and take your pick of Marvel Comic movies...
14is going to my first Zumba class this Sunday...i am NOT a latin dancer and i don't LOOK like i could pass for one so this should be interesting
13MADE my oldest daughter read the bedtime story to my middle daughter last night...a five minute long book and you would have thought i'd ask for her kidney..sheesh.
12made crab legs and spinach and cheeese tortellini for dinner tonight. Do you think I voided all my hard work at the gym tonight?
11right now my obsessions (tv wise) are 16 and pregnant (which I make my 12 year old watch with me), Intervention, Celebrity Rehab and General Hospital....to say i am a fan of the trainwreck is an understatement. and somehow i am comforted by the fact that maybe i am just a fender bender after all..
10Do you know how hard it is to come up with 25 original and clever things to post about here? Don't believe me? try it yourself
9Has not seen The Blind Side yet, and don't know if i want to? But then i held out for Twilight (both books and movie) till it came out on DVD and Kaileigh made me watch it one night...
8Hopes i get to visit Malta (and Forks) before i die. i know, big hopes and dreams huh.
7has an alter ego named Stephanie. Seriously, ask my friends. she is the psycho crazy person that comes out from time to time and i have been asked if they were talking to me or to her. i should prob. dig a little deeper into that with my therapist...LOL
6thinks i am finally getting the hang of being a single mommy of three. i said thinks people
5wishes that i could tell off M. maybe tell of is not the correct phrase-ology. I wish that i could maturely and honsestly communicate how devestating her choices were and continue to be. i wish i had the security in me to follow the serenity prayer and i wish i did not have 4 in the morning breakdowns cause i am so conflicted and angry with her.
4wish Alicia Keys was what i thought her to be. i just really fell in love with her on falling. and since then i just don't get it. that is a personal opinion. i never loved Mary J either. so call me tasteless. i just can't do it. Give me some Hope, Francesca Battistelli, Beyonce (as cliche as that is), Hayley from Paramore, Leona Lewis, Shania Twain,Martina McBride, Pink, even Keri Hilson...just DONT play me Alicia or Ms. Blige. ugh
3Since we are on the topic of music let me put out there how much i love men artists SO MUCH more than females..could list em for days but right now i love John Mayer, David Gray, Ray Lamontaigne, Fred Hammond, Drake, Maxwell, Trey Songz, J Holliday, Adam Lambert (don't hate), Michael Buble (can't make the mark above his name but you get it), give me a guy...and a guitar...and it's all over....
2Speaking of music, can Ray J just find a girl already.
1so i did cheat. most of the bottom part of this list was musically inclined. I was gonna go into books. but that would be the whole 25 right there ( i am a nerd like that with my music and my books) but that is okay. this was my 25...at least for this night....
tommorrow is Saturday. big night out for me with some really good friends just kicking it up at the old folks home (reference to the bar we are going to...it's in a hotel and NOT frequented by the younger crowd) but i know it will be a much needed night of NOT being student, job seeker, ex girlfriend, or mommy....it'll just be about me all me...

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