so no, i did not forget that i have to finish my last post, but my brain is too mushy right now to work that hard. i am so content to report that i had a much needed low key weekend. i did not get to move but i did sign my lease, so the joys of relocation will take place next weekend. i got to hang with an old but new friend on Saturday and that was much needed and very relaxing (well, as relaxed as you can feel after laughing so hard you basically wet your pants.) that girl is funny!
today is Mother's Day. my own mom is consumed by her various gardens so i bought her a clematis (had to be purple) to plant (was gonna be a good daughter and do it myself but a) it's allergy season and i hate going outside and b.) it was raining
other than that, it's almost 9pm and i am going to bed :)
Happy Mother's Day friend.

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