"writing is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotion know what it means to want to escape from these”
I have fits of creativity. bouts of writer's block. moments of hysteria and occasionally the complete breakdown of all things Wendy....
I have managed to get some writing done this weekend in between getting kicked out of a Mexican place at 7:30 at night on friday night and letting 8 kids spend the night at my house on Saturday night. now i have to go back and edit, which is so much harder than than actually getting it out. I read somewhere that Twain used the method of inserting the word damn every time he wanted to use very. He said the editor would just delete the word and his writing was just as it should be.
since i am the only editor i have and since i like the word damn somehow i don't think i achieved the same end result. and since someday i am hoping my family reads my work and my dad in particular would frown on the use of the word,,,not so sure that is a practice i will adopt....
it's a nice thought though, thanks for the advice Mark....
i have always wanted to be a writer. My English teacher of a mother instilled in me the love of all things written word. She writes, she acts, she speaks very proper English. me, not so much but i try. i don't speak proper English, but i do speak proper Wendy. and i love to do it, so when i decided to tackle this (cause let's face it i am not doing much else right about now) i knew that it had to be about something i knew about. And what has consumed me for the better part of my 32 years..
yup. my roots. and my wings.
what they don't tell you about finding your birthparents and what you need to know about getting what you think you've always wanted....
and what the heck happens next
okay, so i am not an expert on what happens next. Not even sure i wanna know cause it might make me hesitant or scared... and i am not saying that i wanted to know two years ago that it would turn out like this. all i know is that i have something to say. i have an experience that i myself would have liked to read. i would have liked to know the "just wanted to point out" side of a story i never thought would be mine to tell..
and now that it is (mine to tell) i hope that someone, somewhere will want to read it too....