Thursday, October 14, 2010

starts with goodbye

There are some situations in your life that you really want to go differently
fights you wished you never had, words you wished you never said
Conversations you never thought you'd have
emails that break your heart....
You really want the fairytale to come true
Reality and what you've dreamt up in your head all these years dont always meet seam to seam
the patchwork quilt of your life doesnt always form that beautiful pattern you imagined while working so hard on it all these years

I guess it's gonna have to hurt,

I guess I'm gonna have to cry,

And let go of some things I've loved,

To get to the other side,

I guess it's gonna break me down,

Like falling when you try to fly,

It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,

Starts with goodbye,

I guess I'm gonna have to cry,

And let go of some things I've loved,

To get to the other side,

Starts with goodbye,

The only way you try to find,

Moving on with the rest of your life,

Starts with goodbye,

Do you scrap it? or do you set it aside for a later time when you figure out where the kinks are?

Being the hopeless romantic I am make it almost impossible for me to give up, walk away, think that this is the way it has to be for all of time. all bad thoughts aside I refuse to give up on you.....ever.


1 comment:

Don said...


But I guess it will be deep when written by someone who knows exactly how to reach within her spirit and transform those emotions into words.

Hard to give up on what you love, isn't it?