I fall behind on things like laundry, and unpacking (yes, 2 months later I am still doing that..), and then I get caught up and I realize I have'nt filled out this paper or turned in that one. So I play catch up in school (both mine and the babies) and then I realize I have not done laundry in four days and Emory has not been brushing her teeth and Isaiah is not sleeping in his bed consistently which makes me not sleep good cause let's face it, who can sleep with a knee in your back or a leg drapped over your shoulder....
This weekend was no exception. I try really hard on my weekends that I have the babies to spend quality time with them, and make it all about them. Not saying I always reach that goal, but it is the one I am aiming for. This weekend was the dreamer's last cross country meet. Let me tell you, I was worried about her. She went through t-ball, soccer, guitar, basketball, choir, you name it. Never really finding something that sparked any interest. So when she told me she wanted to run I will admit I paid her little attention. I told her that she would have to show me she was into it, and then she would have to prove that she could stay into it. And she really has. She ran really hard all season and each race she has consistently gotten better and stronger as a runner...
Still can't believe I am back to sporting the navy blue and big G again. After high school if you would have told me I would be back here....I would never have believed it.
Team Kaileigh
Very proud of my runner..
So after the race we did a little running of our own. I don't know if I have mentioned it or not but my four year old is obsessed with Michael "Shackshon" as he calls Michael Jackson. Now don't get me wrong some of his stuff is pretty chill. I am a fan. But not a big enough fan that my kids would beg EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. to watch video after video on youtube till they know every tick,gesture,and high pitched "chum-on"
so when I say we had to run around today I am referencing the mad dash to find a red jacket to complete little man's Halloween costume. Ree already had her "Thriller" werewolf outfit..now all we needed was Michael Isaiah Jackson (as he introduced himself to everyone while Trick or Treating. this is what we ended up with.
So as you can see momma ended up getting major cool points for the perfect Michael moments. I am so glad its over now though, even though he will be wearing that costume for the next six months (he better, as much as I paid for it) it was worth it. I really do heart my babies...
Happy Halloween yall!